Attend a special two-hour live New Year's free mini-workshop with UZAZU founder Dylan Newcomb

Move into Purposeful Action in 2022

UZAZU Moving Into The New Year By Optimizing Your Embodied States

In these interactive 2 hours, you will:

  • Be guided through an embodied process that will quickly help you cut through the mental confusion and get gut-level clarity around what you want to focus on the coming year.
  • Learn how you can overcome the often paralyzing trap of taking a top-down, mind-over-body approach to clarifying & embodying your “purpose”, and replace it with a more organic & empowering bottom-up, body-supporting-mind approach.
  • Identify the key embodied states that will empower you, AND the specific roadblocks that could hold you back, from moving powerfully forward this coming year—in the direction your life is naturally wanting to go!

Monday, Jan. 3rd, 2021 

6:00 PM - 8:00 PM BST/UK, 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM EDT/USA


A New Year's letter from UZAZU Founder Dylan Newcomb:

Here we are again... 

Just about at the start of a new year!

And as the east two years have been, well, UNIQUELY CHALLENGING, to say the least...

So many of us are wanting 2022 to be THE YEAR where we finally start moving forward more again! 

The new year is of course a great time to envision what we want the coming year to look like—whether that’s about dreaming big and preparing for a "breakthrough year," or simply changing some key habits that aren’t currently serving us.

But, as we all know: It's one thing to THINK IT, and it's something entirely different to actually stay focused & well-balanced enough to fully MANIFEST IT, as the year unfolds. 

As we know, Nike's famous slogan "Just do it" can prove frustratingly over-simplified. Before we know it, another year has gone by, and we haven’t made the progress we were hoping for. And so our self-esteem can erode over time, making it even harder to keep accessing the energy and inspiration it takes to keep moving forward toward our aspirations.

So here’s the thing… 

No matter how aligned, motivating, or inspiring your hopes and dreams for the coming year are, you can only remain as focused, engaged, and effective in reaching them as your EMBODIED STATE allows you to be. 

So stop getting down on yourself for not yet more fully “realizing your dreams”...

and start becoming more effective at accessing the specific EMBODIED STATES that will best carry you towards them in the coming year!

This interactive, 2-hour mini-workshop will guide you in using UZAZU Embodied Intelligence to GAIN MORE GROUNDED CLARITY about where you want to focus in the new year...

...and, equally importantly, to identify the key EMBODIED STATES you’ll need to have better access to in order to pursue that path effectively.

This webinar is the perfect opportunity to help propel yourself into the New Year with a more authentic, embodied, and sustainable understanding of what will most empower YOU to realize more of your aspirations for 2022.

I look forward to diving in together and exploring what states of being can help you best THRIVE in the coming year!

Dylan Newcomb Upper 3rd

Dylan Newcomb

UZAZU Founder & Director