The Foundations of UZAZU Embodied Intelligence

An 18-Hour Recorded Online Training for Coaches & Therapists

Using a holistic, somatic framework for growth and healing, unlock the power of embodied intelligence in your professional practice. Learn to access a full spectrum of balanced states through simple movements and body postures. Develop your capacity to identify and shift imbalanced states and to facilitate integrative change in 1-1 sessions.

This Training Could Be a Fit for You If...

  • You have experience in the field of psychotherapy, coaching, consulting, and/or body-oriented 1-1 work, and you have a desire to be of greater service to your clients.
  • You're finding your 1-1 sessions too 'talk heavy' and want to bring in a more body-focused approach that can help your clients increase self-awareness, build self-regulation skills, and experience deeper transformation.
  • You may already have a variety of embodiment tools and techniques that you bring to your client work, but feel you lack a larger organizing framework to sharpen your intuition about which tools to use when, and why.
  • You've been feeling uninspired about your 1-1 sessions, and would like to feel more energized and engaged as you work with each client.
  • You value engaging in your own embodied self-work, and know it will help make you a more fully authentic and powerful facilitator of change for others.

Embodied Intelligence: Activating the Wisdom of the Whole Self

3 Day UZAZU Workshop Moscow 2019 27

Cultivating embodied intelligence helps us develop our capacity to coherently sense & respond in life-affirming ways to any situation.

Imagine bringing deeper embodiment to your work with clients to help them increase self-awareness, build self-regulation skills, and experience deeper transformation. Using UZAZU Embodied Intelligence, you help your clients access more of the truth, wisdom, and power of their full being by guiding them into greater coherence throughout their mind, body, and awareness. UZAZU is a holistic, research-based model and method for understanding and working with embodied states to identify imbalances and rapidly shift and re-pattern them.

"Intelligence" is not only a property of individual cognitive processes in the brain. In truth, intelligence co-emerges from the mind’s interaction with the body, environment, and culture. We refer to this more integrated understanding of intelligence as “Embodied Intelligence”.

A Comprehensive, Research-Based Approach to Cultivating Embodied Intelligence

UZAZU helps make sense of both our environment and our own felt experience, in service of optimally adapting and responding to our environment in a highly individualized way.

Based on two decades of research and development, UZAZU Embodied Intelligence provides a clear, integrative model and method to understand, identify, and rapidly shift states that are dysregulated or otherwise disruptive.

The UZAZU method helps professionals quickly identify where, and in which contexts, someone’s mind-body integration is becoming compromised or distorted. It equips those who use it with a set of simple postures and movement patterns to cultivate the states that will help them restore and strengthen their capacity to sense and respond to life.
Group Embodiment in the UZAZU Workshop Moscow 2019 52

UZAZU offers a unique approach to embodied facilitation

  • UZAZU provides a comprehensive yet flexible framework for facilitating change that is based on nine simple postures and movements, while also supporting organic, intuitive, and creative exploration.
  • UZAZU uses a synergistic approach to mind-body integration, combining two main flows: Bottom-Up (or 'inside out') and Top-Down (or 'outside in'). Bottom-Up integration focuses on uncovering hidden emotions, energies, and mental associations from within, while Top-Down transformation focuses on consciously envisioning and embodying desired qualities and new ways of being.
  • The combination of specific postures, movements and mental frames helps clients easily and intuitively re-balance a wide range of dysregulated states and activate balanced, resourcing states. It also provides facilitators the tools and strategies to work through deeper issues and nurture a client's long-term growth in a developmentally informed way.
  • UZAZU’s core frameworks, patterns, postures, and techniques are easily integrated with other modalities, allowing practitioners to use UZAZU to amplify the results of their existing practice. 

The Learning Journey of the Foundations Training

This 18-hour online training introduces you experientially to the movements and postures that comprise working with the UZAZU's Nine Modes of Engagement. As a helping professional, you will learn how to work with the states of balance and imbalance corresponding to the Modes. You will learn a framework specific to UZAZU for embodied 1-1 facilitation. You will come away from the training ready to bring this work to clients.

Part One

Balanced States

Access a full spectrum of balanced states by engaging Body, Mind, and Awareness.

Part One Main Topics ⬇︎

1. The Three Layers of Body, Mind, and Awareness

Understand how the three layers of body, mind, and awareness support the integrative top-down and bottom-up processing of energy & information.

2. The Three Bodymind Dimensions Framework

Learn to activate the 3 Core Bodymind Dimensions (Stimulus, Response, and Orientation) as an easy, precise way to understand & shift your embodied state.

3. The 9 Core Modes of Embodied Engagement

Combine the 3 Bodymind Dimensions with specific body movements, postures, cognitions, and imagery to activate a full spectrum of potent, balanced flow states.

Part Two

Dysregulated States

Use simple movements and body postures to identify and shift imbalanced states.

Part Two Main Topics ⬇︎

4. The Three Activation States of the Nervous System

Enhance your capacity for identifying and working with the important differences between balanced states (”I can”) and their related dysregulated/imbalanced variants of under-activation (”I can’t”) and over-activation (”I must”).

5. Identifying Imbalanced Activation-States

Identify & safely activate a full range of imbalanced states in order to understand how our bodymind creates them, and further reflect on how they manifest in daily life.

6. Two Primary State-Rebalancing Processes

Learn two easy-to-use effective techniques for helping clients shift out of dysregulation or stuckness and into states of more coherent flow.

Part Three

Embodied Change

Facilitate integrative change in 1-1 sessions with embodiment-based frameworks.

Part Three Main Topics ⬇︎

7. The 5-Step Embodied Change Sequence

Learn UZAZU's framework for facilitating embodied 1-1 sessions and help your clients achieve clarity and resolution on their most pressing issues with more confidence & ease.

8. Four Core Dynamics of Embodied Facilitation

Discover how to utilize four crucial elements of interpersonal embodied facilitation to enhance client engagement and co-create better outcomes.

9. Integrating UZAZU with your Current Methods & Work

Integrate UZAZU into your current methods and practice and learn effective strategies for facilitating embodied 1-1 work online.

What people are saying about using UZAZU with Clients

UZAZU has had such a profound impact on me, both as a practitioner and as a person. As a Somatic Movement Therapist, I used to rely on the various somatic practices and tools I’d trained in, but when I discovered UZAZU, I realized its immediacy, simplicity, and practical application really made it stand out—it’s mostly the only tool I use now! UZAZU helps clients shift into a positive frame quickly and effectively, and provides a simple, easy-to-use system for helping them learn to rebalance themselves in difficult situations. I appreciate the positivity that UZAZU brings to my work and how quickly it can bring beautiful breakthroughs and progress to my clients.

Corinne Vergote - UZAZU PRACTITIONER, Somatic Movement Therapist, Bodyworker

Albert Viljoen 2

“UZAZU has transformed my coaching practice and my personal life in ways that I couldn't have imagined. It felt like UZAZU Embodied Intelligence really offered me the map, the developmental framework, and then also the tools to really support someone. Now that I have an embodied map, I can get to the roots of any issue much more quickly and then easily work with it in an embodied way, which has made me much more effective in my work with clients.



"I came to UZAZU with a background in dance, yoga, Feldenkrais, and other somatic practices. I find UZAZU to be a great complement to these other practices, and has become the main frame through which I offer my 1-1 work now. What I love about UZAZU is that it's so practical, and can be used in the moment, in real life. It helps us change our state and respond to our environment without having to take a long yoga class or similar practice, just to regain balance. In that sense, it means that state regulation, balance, and embodied living are integrated into our daily lives, rather than being a separate thing we do outside of our day to day. UZAZU is a unique model, system, and practice for addressing the challenges of responding in the moment. I appreciate its simplicity, immediacy, and power."

Ashley Handel - UZAZU Practitioner, Embodiment Coach


Embodied intelligence for me is all about how our body, other bodies, the world, all come together in our experience. It's what makes us who we are and gives us the ability to listen, respond, care, and create. That's why I find UZAZU so special, as it gives us a language to connect with our body, with ourselves and others. I feel passionately that cultivating our own embodied intelligence is also an important form of resistance to the disembodied culture that has so distanced us from the earth, ourselves, and each other. By getting more deeply in touch with our bodies, we can learn things that the culture won't ever reveal to us. What sets UZAZU apart in the world of embodied practices and healing is that it brings together the creative body, mind, and imagination, integrating inner and outer experiences in an intuitive way that other modalities haven’t quite for me. It's like discovering a whole new world of human experience that I never knew existed, and now I have a way to tap into it and find my inner resources at any moment. I see UZAZU as a gift for anyone looking for more embodiment, and for anyone who is doing healing work, as it helps give us access to such a vast array of embodied human experience.

Kellie Ryan - CHSE (Certified Holistic Sexuality Educator), Uzazu Practitioner, LMT

How the Training Works, and What You'll Get


While UZAZU trainings provide you with a robust underlying theory & framework to help inform skillful embodied work, the focus is primarily on experiential learning.

You'll be invited to engage interactively and experience the various postures, movements, states, and state-shifts yourself.  Then you'll be guided in practicing and applying what you're learning with your co-trainees. These two modes of working -individually and relationally- are each followed with time for reflection and integration in small groups and within the whole group.

We benefit from the rich range of diverse experiences and perspectives in the room as we learn by doing, together.

Your trainers attend with great care to the coherence and flow of participants' experience.

This three day experience offers an intensive journey, so come prepared to engage, practice, absorb and integrate!

Here's what's included when you join the Foundations training:

  • 18 hours of learning and practice videos that were given live online, 6 hours each day, for 3 days. 
  • A 2-hour follow-up online Review and Q&A Webinar, given 2-3 weeks after the training, addressing participants' questions.
  • A 5-Part Online Video-based 'Foundations Review Mini-Course' so you can easily review all the main elements taught in the live training.
  • Over 45 PDF reference sheets, summaries of all the main content in the training—so you can easily refer back to and work with the material.
  • Additional pre-recorded UZAZU Practice Videos and Demo Sessions Videos you can use to support your own embodiment and deeper integration of the 9 core Modes of Embodied Engagement, and to see the various ways this method can be used with clients.
  • 2-year access to all training and practice videos, in our dedicated online course area.

Package & Pricing Options

Full Training and all extras, in 1 payment

Full Training and all extras, in 2 payments


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Meet the Trainers:

Dylan Newcomb

Dylan Newcomb is a mind-body researcher, coach, teacher, and founder/director of the UZAZU Embodied Intelligence method. Over the past 20 years, Dylan has taught his unique approach to embodiment training, currently called UZAZU Embodied Intelligence, to over 3,000 students across 4 continents. 

He has trained coaches, therapists, group facilitators, policemen, doctors, and business leaders in how to quickly balance their inner states to bring more ease and flow to their engagement in the world. Dylan is increasingly recognized as one of the leaders in the space of bringing the science and practice of embodiment-based personal development into the 21st Century.

Read More About Dylan... 

Dylan works 1-1 with coaches, therapists, teachers, entrepreneurs, and cultural creatives of all kinds to cultivate and access the specific embodied states that help empower them more effortlessly to thrive in their personal and professional relationships and take joyful, effective action on their authentic inspirations. He has led over 200 workshops and trainings for helping professionals and laypeople, teaching about self-regulation and state-shifting.

Dylan spent the first fifteen years of his adulthood (1999-2004) as a dancer, choreographer, and composer. He studied both dance and music composition at the Juilliard School in New York City and danced with the world-renowned Netherlands Dance Theater before going on to enjoy a successful multi-award-winning career as a freelance choreographer & composer.

Driven by an interest to understand the deeper effects of sound and movement on people’s experience, behavior, and relational dynamics, Dylan co-founded the Danslab Institute for Movement Research in 2003 (today called Cloud at Danslab), generously funded by the Dutch Government and multiple other grants.

After several years of research into how vowel sounds affect people’s thoughts, emotion, and behavior, Dylan began shaping his sound-movement research findings into a model—and a method—for helping people identify various forms of embodied state imbalances and then shifting and re-patterning them. This research is what led him to what is now called UZAZU Embodied Intelligence.

Dylan also holds certifications in Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), Healing from the Body-Level Up (HBLU), Psychological Kinesiology (Psych-K).

He lives with his wife Kyung-sun Baek and their 11-year-old daughter Kiana in Freeport Maine.

Deb Grant

Practicing psychotherapy for over 25 years, Deb Grant, LCSW, LSMT integrates Body-oriented Psychotherapy,
UZAZU Embodied Intelligence, Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), Body-Mind Centering, energy psychology (including EFT), and ego state work in her trauma-informed psychotherapy and coaching work with clients to help create lasting healing and change.

She brings consultation and professional development workshops to therapists and other helping professionals, exploring the integration of somatic/body-based work with psychotherapy. As a lead trainer for UZAZU Embodied Intelligence, Deb provides clinical consultation and training for the professional workshops and certification programs for UZAZU.

Read More About Deb... 

Deb has co-presented workshops on polyvagal theory with Deb Dana, including at Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health in Lenox, Massachusetts as well as at Omega Institute in Rhinebeck, New York. Among her many collaborations with Deb Dana, she co-authored a chapter in the book entitled Clinical Applications of the Polyvagal Theory: The Emergence of Polyvagal-informed Therapies (Editors Stephen Porges and Deb Dana).

Deb is a Body-Mind Centering® Somatic Movement Educator and a Registered Somatic Movement Therapist, and holds two yoga teacher certifications. She teaches improvisational dance using somatic and relational approaches, offering students ways of using dance as a personal practice for health, well-being and embodiment. 

More About UZAZU Embodied Intelligence

At UZAZU Embodied Intelligence, we believe that our bodies are not just vessels for our minds, but an integral source of intelligence, insight, and power.

UZAZU Embodied Intelligence is a holistic approach to utilizing the intelligence and power of our bodies. Our mission is to make it easy for everyone to tap into their body-mind's innate wisdom and strength, providing them with accessible education, practical tools and resources, and advocacy for embodiment-supportive technology.

With 18 years of original research by Dylan Newcomb, including 3 years of funded projects from the Dutch government, our approach integrates findings on human responses to vowel sounds and movement with key models of Ego Development Theory, Phonetics, Mindfulness Practice, Taoist Yin-Yang Theory, Dynamical Systems Theory, Integral Theory, Stimulus-Response Conditioning, Polyvagal Theory, Emotions & Affective States, and Attachment Styles, creating a highly integrative framework or embodied operating system.

Over 3000 people have taken trainings in UZAZU, and our community of Certified Practitioners is growing each year. Dylan Newcomb and Deb Grant serve as the principal co-trainers, and we work with experienced Training Assistants supporting all our main trainings. As our community continues to expand, we're preparing to 'train the trainers', bringing UZAZU Embodied Intelligence's approach to even more individuals and communities.