A 3-Hour Online Workshop for Helping Professionals:
Rebalance Your Own Embodied State with Clients
Are you wanting to experience more ease, flow, and resilience in your client sessions? Learn a simple method to identify & rebalance the dysregulation or stress arising during your work with clients, and leave your sessions feeling more clear, grateful, and energized.
Holding Space for Others All Day can be Challenging
It can be challenging & draining to continually be managing the energy, emotions, and needs of others! As our clients come to us with increasing levels of stress and anxiety, our own work-stress and energy-drain can quickly increase along with it. Without having an effective way to manage our own embodied states & energy, we risk loosing motivation and getting burned out.

Do you relate to any of these?
What you will learn in this Workshop
This workshop will help you to become skilled at discerning how (in which states) you become imbalanced, dysregulated, or under-resourced. Then, you'll learn simple ways to shift your state, using your body posture, attention, and energy, to quickly bring yourself back into balance and continue to facilitate the session, but with more ease and responsive flow.
The 4 Core Types Of Embodied States, and How You can become Imbalanced
Learn about (cognitively AND experientially) the four main types of embodied states—in their balanced and imbalance/dysregulated forms—and become more 'experientially clear' about the ways in which YOU tend to lose your coherent balance, and what you can do to quickly regain it.
How to hold clean energetic boundaries and take on less 'stuff' from Clients
Learn how you can train yourself to better differentiate your own inner-experience from that of your clients, and naturally experience less 'contagion'—without straining to protect or distance yourself.
Simple Techniques for Managing Your Own Attention & Energy in Sessions
Improve how you manage your own attention and nervous system regulation while interacting with your clients—so you can more ease-fully do your best work in each moment, better honor your own boundaries, and serve multiple clients per day without becoming nearly as tired or drained.
How to Confidently & Comfortably Charge what You Feel You're Worth
Discover how to shift into an embodied state in which you feel authentically comfortable & confident sharing what you charge for sessions, while still feeling connected and compassionate.
Rebalance Your Four Main Types of Embodied States

Balancing Your States of Self-Agency...
Supports you to safely & confidently access your own power, inner-knowing, and self-honoring—without either collapsing back into disempowerment & self-doubt or becoming too over-assertive & insensitive.

Balancing Your States of Collaboration...
Supports you to enthusiastically & purposefully interact, and co-create the value of the session with your client—without either becoming too overextended, under-boundaried, & drained, or retreating back into distance & disengagement.

Balancing Your States of Inner-Experience...
Supports you to more safely & spaciously experience your own sensations, feelings, and thoughts—without either becoming numb & dissociated from them, or too overwhelmed & dysregulated by their intensity.

Balancing Your States of Connection...
Supports you to more easefully attune to, and empathically connect with your clients state in each present moment—without either falling into enmeshment & 'over-blending' or pulling back into disconnection & energetic avoidance.
What people are saying...

"I would highly recommend this work to others because it is a powerful way of getting in touch with all the energies in our body. The movements are simple and therefore very accessible and, at the same time, they have great depth and subtlety. Through the focus on polarities, I can understand myself and others better."
Anita Palvaast, Coach & TRainer

“It felt like UZAZU Embodied Intelligence really offered the map, the framework, the developmental structure, and then tools to really support someone. Now that I have an embodied map, I can take any issue and kind of map it with the UZAZU and get a much more well rounded view of this is what's going on, so I can get to the roots of the issue easier.”
Albert Viljoen, Executive COAch & UZAZU PRactitioner

About Dylan
About UZAZU Embodied Intelligence
An integrative approach for understanding & working with embodied states.
Frequently Asked Questions
That said, you could also opt to take this self-assessment AFTER the workshop. (Or not at all ;-). Whichever you prefer.