Take the Embodied Intelligence Self-Assessment

What are you wanting to SHIFT in your life right now?

UZAZU Assessment Map Example Imbalances X.titles

Discover Your Unique Patterns of Embodied Intelligence.

What makes the UZAZU Embodied Intelligence Self-Assessment Unique...

Unlike a personality-focused assessment, which gives you insight into your behaviors and motivations, this embodied intelligence assessment helps you clarify which states you more often tend to embody.
And even more importantly, it shows you how you can shift your state—so you can naturally experience more ease & joy—without having to overthink everything so much.

Upon Completion, You'll Immediately Receive...

  • A customized, interactive results graph that will give you clarity on any specific, underlying patterns & dynamics that are currently causing you stress, overwhelm, or disconnection in your personal and/or professional life.
  • An actionable roadmap interconnecting the key IMBALANCED STATES you need to re-pattern if you're looking to more easefully thrive in your life right now.
  • A free Introduction Video on understanding the embodied states in your assessment from embodiment researcher & trainer Dylan Newcomb.
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Imagine an MRI for how you show up for yourself and others. Then imagine being able to pinpoint the first, second, and third most important patterns to work on immediately for the most leverage.

Alex Iglecia

Facilitator, Speaker, Author

Corinne Vergote

The UZAZU Embodied Intelligence Self-Assessment is a valuable dynamic and wholistic tool that provides insights into your personal growth opportunities. As a professional, it offers you instantly an ecological overview of where your client is at, and helps you to work more purposefully on the issues they're dealing with.

Corinne Vergote

Somatic Therapist

Graham Smalle

The UZAZU system, with its detailed model and assessment tool has added a somatic depth to my coaching conversations that I did not believe was possible. It has also helped me personally discover and work on where I am most blocked in my life.

Graham Smale

Coach and Facilitator

What states are you wanting to SHIFT in your personal & professional life right now?