UZAZU Embodied Intelligence Certified Practitioner

practitioner Member

Reyna Perdomo

  • Certified UZAZU Practitioner

user-iconAbout Me

I work on the intersection of embodied presencing, choreographic and visual thinking tools in design co-creation. I facilitate interventions, teach workshops, design experiences, and research, to explore the unknown and the invisible sides of a problem, through the body movement/no movement approach, in combination with design thinking and systems thinking. My background is in interactive multimedia, graphic design/illustration, and dance/choreography. I was trained and worked as Project and Competency Coach for Design students, social design (real life), Industrial Design Department at the TU/e, Eindhoven, The Netherlands. I developed extracurricular assignments for the application of the language of the dancing body, improvisation and movement awareness, into the design research process. I’m a Certified GyrokinesisⓇ Teacher Trainer, which is a movement method that combines principles of Yoga, Dance, Tai-Chi, Chi-Kun, acupressure, and swimming. I’m a Vipassana Meditation practitioner and I’m following on the practice of Dhamma Art and the Social Presencing Theater, from the Presencing Institute. Alumnae from the Fall2020 Online Course "The Systems View of Life" from Fritjof Capra.
I have a strong belief in inner intuition, movement, and embodied awareness/interaction, as vital sources for creativity, wellbeing, and change.
I want to contribute to the awareness of embodiment into research, education, creation, science, technology and business practices, and I believe that UZAZU, is a State of the Art tool to reach this goal.

Practitioner-Features-1Practitioner Features

  • languagesLanguages Spoken:
    Dutch, English, French, Spanish
  • Profesisonal-Roles_Professional-RolesProfessional Roles:
    Certified UZAZU EI and Introductory Workshop Facilitator, Embodied Systemic Co-Design Facilitator. Professional Designer, Illustrator. Professional Dancer, Choreographer. Certified Competency and Design Project Coach for Design Students.
  • certified-trainingOther Certified Training:
    Body-Mind CenteringⓇ(BMC), Certified Gyrokinesis® Teacher Trainer
  • specialtiesSpecialties:
    Movement Re-Training, Embodied Design and Systems Change Practice

informationContact Information

Location iconLocation