Congratulations on completing the Embodied Intelligence Short Self- Assessment.
Now it's time to GAIN INSIGHT from your Results!

Understand Your Core Bodymind Imbalances and learn how you can unlock MORE FLOW in your Life Now.

Here are your Next Steps:

  1. 1
    Download your Free Results Overview PDF and print it out. (Click on the image)
  2. 2
    Locate your Results Email, copy your results over to the PDF, then add up your totals in each category.
  3. 3
    Notice the patterns of Balance and Imbalance you see there and reflect on what kinds of shifts would bring YOU the most flow right now.
  4. 4
    Read below about a special FREE Consult opportunity...
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Hey, it's Dylan here...

If you’d like to further clarify how you can more effectively transform your patterns of imbalance, so you can embody MORE FLOW in the areas you’re currently flowing the least, then schedule a free 'Embody Your Flow' 45-Minute Consult with me below, if spaces are still available!

In a 45-minute Zoom Video Meeting together, we'll explore your Embodied Intelligence Self-Assessment responses and see what the patterns there can reveal about what's keeping YOU from more fully embodying your optimal flow right now.

You'll also come away with concrete, actionable clarity about how your current underlying dynamics of body-mind-awareness are preventing you from making those deeper shifts in your feeling, thinking, and behavior that can be so frustratingly slow and elusive. And, most importantly, we'll clarify what needs to happen (in what sequence) in order for you to finally shift them.

>>> Book your free 'Embody Your Flow' consult now, before they're all gone! <<<

PLEASE NOTE: I'll only be offering a very limited number of these FREE Assessment Consults, over the coming 2 weeks. 

I'm providing this additional free service to people just in this period because I'm preparing to start developing my next UZAZU Embodied Intelligence Coaches Certification Training, and working with this UZAZU assessment is going to be part of that—so I want to fast track it's further refinement and evolution! 🙂

The only thing I ask in return for our time together, is you complete a short feedback form afterwards and, if you found it truly valuable, that you also write a short testimonial about it. Sound like a good deal to you? 🙂 Then sign up now, before the few slots I have are all taken.

I look forward to exploring together how the patterns we see here can translate into key next steps in you embodying more of your optimal flow at this time in your life.

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Dylan Newcomb