Read here about the requirements and guidelines for filling in these reflection forms.
By the end of the training, you must have used UZAZU with a minimum of 15 different clients or “test subjects.” five of whom you have seen at least 5 times. That translates to 35 session reflection forms logged in total: 1 reflection form for 10 different people, and 5 different session reflection forms each for 5 different people.

For a session to count towards fulfilling your certification requirements, you must complete a reflection form for it. For each session you reflect on, you’ll have the option to complete either the full Embodied Change Process Reflection Form or the Brief Session Reflection Form. 

It’s up to you how many of each kind of reflection form you do, and you’re very welcome to do MORE than the requirements. Ultimately, within the total of 35 reflection forms you complete, you must submit 5 full Embodied Change Process Reflection Forms to be reviewed by Dylan and Deb. You can indicate which forms you’d like reviewed in the beginning section of the form.

You must complete 15 reflection forms by September 1st, based on the UZAZU methods you’ve been learning in Phases 1-3 of the training. The remaining 10 session reflection forms are to be completed between the end of Phase 4 (the second live intensive) and the end of the certification training, and include the methods, shift techniques, and protocols you learn in Phases 4-5.