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Sign up for thIS Embodiment Webinar ReplAy!

How to Cultivate your Embodied Intelligence

so you can MOVE THROUGH limiting patterns, and THRIVE MORE in your Engagements in the World

Don't miss this 90-minute training with Embodiment Master Trainer Dylan Newcomb!

Dylan Newcomb

Hi, I’m Dylan Newcomb.

Webinar Date & Time:

Sign up now and get instant access to the replay!

About Dylan:

Dylan Newcomb is the lead researcher, trainer, and founder of the UZAZU method for cultivating Embodied Intelligence.

Recognized as one of the world's leading researchers and trainers in the growing field of Embodiment, Dylan has taught thousands of students across four continents how to quickly and effectively shift their inner states, using breath, movement and awareness.

In this Embodied Intelligence webinar, you will...

Learn what Embodied Intelligence is, and WHY increasing yours in the right way can make all the difference in your quality of life, AND in the results you're able to create.

Discover how 'The Flow of Intelligent Response' can help your body-mind-awareness SHIFT from creating stress to flowing with ease—so you can experience a more joyful, positive flow in your engagements in the world.

Identify the key imbalances in your body-mind-awareness that may be limiting your capacity to fully THRIVE—and learn how you can balance them.

This Webinar will only be available for a limited time!

Sign up now and get instant access to a webinar that can change the way you understand & approach moving beyond your limiting patterns and cultivating a more easeful and joyous flow in your life!

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