Welcome to the Embody Your Purpose Mini-Course!
Watch the Video, then answer the questions below and click 'NEXT'.
- Welcome & Introduction
Welcome! Shall we begin?
Getting actionable clarity on what will help you most right now to live more in alignment with Purpose is important! Please give yourself about an hour to go through this whole process. It will work best if you do it all in one go. You have also been sent an email with a link to this page. When you're ready, watch the Video above and then to respond to the questions below. Bon Voyage!
What’s the biggest friction or frustration you are currently experiencing related to Embodying Your Purpose?
Imagine you could completely resolve this issue… What positive difference would it make in your life? And how might it benefit others more as well?
The Three Tiers of Your World-Engagement
(Answer all questions based on this current period in your life.)
“I have a deeply motivating sense of purpose and a vision for the future which inspires me to go out and manifest that purpose in the world.”
1. Really not!
2. Not so much
3. Somewhat
4. Pretty much
5. Completely!
“I find myself confused about what I feel most deeply called to DO with my life at this stage—and that holds me back in some important ways.”
5. Almost Always
4. Very Frequently
3. Sometimes
2. Rarely
1. Almost Never
“The overall path I am on right now, as well as the various structures currently giving form to my personal and professional life, feels very empowering to me.”
5. Completely!
4. Pretty much
3. Somewhat
2. Not so much
1. Really not!
“I experience my current situation and environment, personally and/or professionally, as NOT supporting me in the ways I need them to—neither to help me be fully happy, keep growing as a person, nor offer my best gifts.”
5. Almost Always
4. Very Frequently
3. Sometimes
2. Rarely
1. Almost Never
On the level of your OPERATION, to what degree is this working well for you?
"I effectively manage my projects and complete my various tasks, which allows me to successfully achieve my short-term goals in a satisfactory and timely manner."
5. Completely!
4. Pretty much
3. Somewhat
2. Not so much
1. Really not!
On the level of your OPERATION, to how often is this an issue for you?
"I am NOT as productive as I want and need to be in effectively prioritizing and completing my various projects and tasks."
5. Almost Always
4. Very Frequently
3. Sometimes
2. Rarely
1. Almost Never
On the Synergy between your MISSION, SYSTEMS & OPERATION:
How is it going, with your World-Engagement overall? In what ways do you notice the levels of your MISSION, SYSTEM and OPERATION seem to be supporting each other? And in what ways might they be limiting each other?
The Three Tiers of Your Self-Development
(Answer all questions based on this current period in your life.)
On the level of your BODY, to what degree is this working well for you?
“I feel grounded and secure—both while relating with other people and while experiencing my various emotions and doing my various activities.”
5. Completely!
4. Pretty much
3. Somewhat
2. Not so much
1. Really not!
On the level of your BODY, how often is this an issue for you?
“I feel disconnected from my body, and/or not able to be fully present to my physical sensation, emotions and overall quality of energy as I do my various activities and interact with others."
5. Almost Always
4. Very Frequently
3. Sometimes
2. Rarely
1. Almost Never
On the level of your MIND, to what degree is this working well for you?
“My mind has the agility to take multiple perspectives and consider the full context of a situation as well as to interpret the meaning of things in ways that are both realistic and constructive.”
5. Completely!
4. Pretty much
3. Somewhat
2. Not so much
1. Really not!
On the level of your MIND, how often is this an issue for you?
“My mind can get rigidly stuck in limiting thought-patterns, such as negative beliefs, or replaying bad memories in a way that causes me difficulties in the present moment."
5. Almost Always
4. Very Frequently
3. Sometimes
2. Rarely
1. Almost Never
On the level of your AWARENESS, to what degree is this working well for you?
“The spaciousness in my awareness allows me to be non-judgmentally present to experiences & events while staying connected to a peaceful underlying quality of being."
5. Completely!
4. Pretty much
3. Somewhat
2. Not so much
1. Really not!
On the level of your AWARENESS, how often is this an issue for you?
“My greater awareness, or ability to be mindful, gets quickly clouded up by the negative or stressful thoughts and emotions I’m experiencing, which in turn helps keep me stuck in them longer.”
5. Almost Always
4. Very Frequently
3. Sometimes
2. Rarely
1. Almost Never
On the Synergy between your BODY, MIND & AWARENESS
How is it going, in your SELF overall? In what ways do you notice the levels of your BODY, MIND and AWARENESS seem to be supporting each other? And in what ways might they be limiting each other?
Your Synergy between Self Development & World-Engagement
Which overall balance between your inner Self-Development & outer World-Engagement is most true for you right now?
I’m experiencing a very satisfying synergy right now between what’s going on in my inner/self and in my outer/world. I'm happy seeing how that will keep evolving!
I'm not noticing any significant imbalance or stuck-ness between my SELF and WORLD, but I'm not fully satisfied with where my life is at right now.
I experience myself as more stuck and needing to make progress on the outer World-Engagement side right now.
I experience myself as more stuck and needing to make progress on the inner Self-Development side right now.
Both my outer World-Engagement and my inner Self-development seem stuck at the moment and need attention.
When it comes to improving the synergy between Self & World:
Where might it serve you best to focus your attention now and why? And, briefly, what is your main challenge and/or question around making progress with that?
Optional Further Reflection on this Embody Your Purpose Mini-Course:
Have you had any other any other insights or 'useful ideas', while going through this mini-course, that you'd like to capture here?
Your Bonus Gift for completing this Mini-Course...
Are you interested to learn more and see if you qualify to sign up for a Free 75-minute Embody Your Purpose Discovery Session Dylan?
Yes! I'd like to learn more now and see if I quality for a Free Discovery Session with Dylan!
I'm quite interested, but the timing is not good—please check back with me in a month or two!
I've appreciated this Mini-course, but the Discovery Session isn't a fit for me right now, thanks.
Optional Feedback Question: Would you like to say something about what you most appreciated or got out of this Mini-Course and/or anything you feel might have helped you to get more out of it?
© 2018 Dylan Newcomb, UZAZU Dynamic Embodiment