Session 2: Optimize How You're Showing Up in Life, using The 4 Core Modes of Embodiment
Get deeper, embodied clarity on what kinds of shifts & deeper re-patternings of your own Embodied States will empower you to SHOW UP more fully & optimally in each moment.
Learn about the 4 Core Modes of Embodiment, as used in UZAZU Embodied Intelligence, and how being able to dynamically access each
of these 4 modes States, across a broad range of contexts, empowers you to thrive—individually AND relationally.
- Be guided in experiencing, directly, through your body which of these 4 core modes of embodiment you're currently most and least comfortable embodying in your own life—so can identify exactly what kind of 'state-repatterning' will be the the most transformational for you right now.
- Learn about Dylan’s upcoming Group Coaching Program and how you can be supported over the coming months to make significant, deep changes to how both your internal states AND your external actions are supporting you to live the life you desire.