Welcome to the Webinar Replay of:

The Value of Working with a Full-Spectrum of Embodied States

A discussion between UZAZU founder Dylan Newcomb and psychotherapist Roxana Avadanei about how working with the Four Main Types of Embodied States can help empower both therapists and coaches to more fully & effectively serve their clients.

Dylan And Roxana Webinar Interview About Embodied States For Coaches And Therapists

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The Next UZAZU Training Starts Tuesday, May 17th

If you are a Helping Professional (coach, therapist, counselor, etc.) interested in bringing more full-spectrum, systematic approach to embodiment into your work with clients, then check out the upcoming Foundations of UZAZU Embodied Intelligence Training!

If you're very interested in moving further, but unsure what's a best next step for you, then feel free to book a short call with Dylan and discuss it!

UZAZU Online Embodiment Training On Laptop Bridge Mode3.1 Flipped

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