Are you wanting a more deeply embodied process of self-growth?

Your New Roadmap to Embodied Re-Patterning

A 3-Hour Online Workshop with UZAZU Founder Dylan Newcomb

This interactive, experiential workshop will give you an embodied understanding of your current strengths and limiting patterns of dysregulation, so you can start to unlock more of your Embodied Intelligence and engage in each moment with less stress and more ease & flow.

Do any of the following apply to you?

Then this workshop could be a great fit for you...

  • You have taken the free online UZAZU Embodied Intelligence Self Assessment, and would like to better understand your results (or, what we call your State-Activation Map) and use them to inform the specific kinds of embodiment work that will most help you in your ongoing growth and daily life.
  • You feel you’ve hit a plateau, or some kind of block, in your ongoing developmental growth journey and would like some insight into what kinds of specific embodiment work could best help you break through to the next stage.
  • You find yourself driven by an inspiring vision & mission, but feel challenged and overwhelmed in showing up effectively each day to manifest that as a sustainable reality.
  • You’ve already taken more typical ‘top-down’ self-assessments (which are based on your ability to mentally recall and make sense of past experiences) and are interested to contrast & compare that with what your BODY has to tell you about yourself—by doing a more ‘bottom-up' self-assessment of how it feels to embody different postures, movements, feeling states, and mindsets in the present moment.
  • You’re relatively new to UZAZU Embodied Intelligence and are interested in how it could help you have a deeper, more practical understanding of your own embodied needs and opportunities for self-growth.
  • Or, you are already fairly experienced in working with UZAZU Embodied Intelligence, but/and you’d like to deepen your understanding of how it all fits together and how you can best prioritize and focus your ongoing self-work (and with your clients as well, if relevant.)

This Workshop will take place on:

Wednesday, August 10th

USA, West Coast: 9:00am - 12:00pm
USA, East Coast: 12:00pm - 3:00pm
 Amsterdam: 6:00pm - 9:00pm

For this 3-hour workshop, we're offering two ways to register for it: Attend LIVE, which is free (for this 1st version) and/or Get the REPLAY, which is $45. After this online workshop, the REPLAY will also be available for $75.

Understanding your current embodied, conditioned patterns—and knowing how to RE-PATTERN them—is the foundational key to being able to shift your habits from unconsciously reacting to choicefully & skillfully responding.

UZAZU Assessment Map Example Imbalances X.titles

Have you already taken the online UZAZU Embodied Intelligence Self-Assessment?

This Interactive 3-hour Workshop is also a great next step for unlocking the transformational potential of the online UZAZU Embodied Intelligence Self-Assessment.

If you haven't already taken it, this unique powerful assessment takes about 15-20 minutes to complete and will give you an interactive results map you can immediately start to explore.

During this workshop, you can have your Assessment Results Map webpage handy, and towards the end, you'll be able to compare your online Self-Assessment results to the embodied version you’ll go through during the workshop.

In our 3 hours together, you will:

  • Learn a clear, simple framework for understanding the four main aspects of our embodied functioning in which we become dysregulated and how they each need to be identified and worked with, so you can successfully re-pattern and re-balance them at the nervous system level.
  • Be guided through an embodied discovery process that will help you cut through your own stories & idea about yourself, and help reveal your underlying current mind-body conditioning —so you can identify the deeper patterns or dysregulation that are wanting to be transformed.
  • Identify the specific, real-world ways in which your patterns of embodied dysregulation are amplifying the challenges & stresses you’re currently experiencing in your life, and holding you back from progressing in the ways you seek.
  • Understand the underlying developmental sequence and growth journey that helped shape your current patterns of embodiment, and how the negative conditioning & trauma you may be carrying is related to that, so that you can re-pattern/re-condition and support your ongoing growth in a deeply integrative and sustainable way.
  • Experience UZAZU's TEMPORAL FLOW CYCLE practice and learn how you can start to re-balance your embodied states—so you can use this practice to help you start to more naturally access a balanced spectrum of regulated states and more ease-fully flow and thrive in your life.
  • At the end of this 3-hour workshop, you’ll also have the opportunity to stay and learn more about the ways you can further cultivate & re-patterning your Embodied Intelligence, including the new 1-1 deep dive Embodied Clarity Session with Dylan Newcomb.
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Imagine an MRI for how you show up for yourself and others. Then imagine being able to pinpoint the first, second, and third most important patterns to work on immediately for the most leverage.

Alex Iglecia

Facilitator, Speaker, Author

Marion Knox UZAZU Practitioner Profile Pic

I think for anyone who wants to go deep into embodiment, UZAZU is a great modality to do that. I feel a really big shift in my own experience of myself and my relationships. There's a new kind of ease and capacity to rest in myself, in the busy world I live in. That shift, from holding vague, aspirational ideas of who I 'should' be, to inhabiting a more grounded, authentically lived experience has changed my life.

Marion Knox

UZAZU Practitioner

Graham Smalle

The UZAZU system, with its detailed model and assessment tool has added a somatic depth to my coaching conversations that I did not believe was possible. It has also helped me personally discover and work on where I am most blocked in my life.

Graham Smale

Coach and Facilitator

Discover the deeper, embodied pattern-shifts that will bring YOU the most integration & growth now.