A free 2-hour, live online UZAZU Professional Foundations Quick Refresher Mini-Training

Online UZAZU Training - Bridge Mode-small

This is going to be a value-rich post-training review and re-inspiration session. My main goal is for you to leave feeling more clear, confident and inspired to use UZAZU more often and more effectively—both personally & professionally!

In this 2-hour Refresher Training with Dylan & Deb, you will...

  • Review & re-experience UZAZU’s 3 core dimensions of embodied states (Self-Other, Sensing-Acting, Being In-Relating To), and experience all 9 core modes of embodiment—clarifying together their postures & felt qualities.

  • Refresh your ability to recognize & work with the two main types of embodied state imbalances—the Under-activated imbalanced states of “I can’t do/feel this—it not safe to…” and the Over-activated  imbalanced states of “I must do/feel this—it’s unsafe not to…”
  • Review UZAZU’s main Embodied State Rebalancing Process for supporting clients (and yourself) to safely embody & feel these imbalances and gently guide them into more balanced, functional, (also better-feeling!) versions of these states.
  • Review & discuss helpful tips on how to weave UZAZU naturally into your 1-1 sessions, and combine it with other various modalities you may be using already. And perhaps you'll have some questions of your own to ask as well!

Tuesday, Oct. 5th

11:00 am - 1:00 pm PST/USA

2:00 pm - 4:00 pm EST/USA

7:00 pm - 9:00 pm U.K

Come LIVE to participate & interact, or catch the Replay.

What professionals are saying about UZAZU's Certification Training

Alex Iglecia

The UZAZU practitioner certification training is one of the most comprehensive, structured embodiment training courses I have found to date. You can start using the system in its simplest form from day one, and yet, the complexity keeps evolving, allowing for a robust model to help myself and my clients with complex challenges. 

Alex Iglecia

Facilitator, Speaker, Author

Marina Bondarenko

I’ve been working as a psychotherapist, coach, and business-trainer for 25 years. My training in UZAZU now provides me a powerful foundation that allows me to connect and strengthen the efficiency of all the other methods I use (which includes Constellations, Gestalt Therapy, working with Metaphoric Cards, Body-mind work, etc.) UZAZU is simple and yet very deep and wide at the same time. It allows fast and accurate diagnostics and it supports me to work with different layers and levels (the body-level, belief systems, relationship dynamics, business, etc.) It gave me a valuable set of new tools right from the beginning, while further immersion in this method seems to open up endless fields of new opportunities—including for my own self-growth! I highly recommend UZAZU as a very effective, well-formed system for all kinds of helping professionals.

Marina Bondarenko

Coach, Business-Trainer, Psychotherapist, Embodiment-coach

Graham Smalle

I chose to do this certification program to deepen my somatic intelligence skills to complement my Ontological Coaching. I am absolutely blown away by the richness and depth of the approach and the practices that go with it. I see many ways to use this in my practice. To boot, Dylan is a masterful teacher and facilitator, making the program even richer.

Graham Smale

Coach and Facilitator

© 2021, UZAZU Embodied Intelligence

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