Embodied Emotional Empowerment
A 4-Month Training & Group Coaching with Dylan Newcomb
Learn to safely experience the full spectrum of your emotions as sources of valuable energy and information that bring embodied wisdom & power into your daily life.
The Training begins Monday, April 18th.
Time remaining to enroll:
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Are you feeling stressed, frustrated, anxious or overwhelmed right now? You're not alone! That's why this spring, I'm working with people on Emotional Empowerment.
Especially challenging, stressful times such as these often trigger strong emotions that can easily imbalance, block, and wear us down. But with conscious, skillful embodiment, they can also be used as sources of great power, empathy, and wisdom.
We each have certain emotions we easily enter into. And we each have those emotions we try to avoid, because they don't feel safe.
S**t happens, over time, and we 'learn' from it: to not get mad next time, or to not get lost in our sadness (again), or to not let ourselves get too excited or hopeful about something... Or to not relax and let our guard down... Sound familiar?
Gradually, we can easily loose our emotional range and vibrance. And the cost to our happiness and our overall effectiveness is huge.

Here's the thing: Each primary emotion has a specific message it's trying to tell us and a specific process or action it's trying to motivate us to do. And when we block that emotion, we block that essential energy, information and power from being able to help us.
Over the past two years, as I've been developing an UZAZU-based approach to working with emotions, I've seen how hugely empowering and freeing it can be for people to more deeply understand their own patterns of emotionality and then start to reclaim the full spectrum of their emotions.
No matter how 'purpose-aligned', or inspiring your hopes and dreams are, and no matter how clear & smart your action plans are, you can only remain as engaged and effective—in manifesting & living the life you desire—as your EMBODIED, EMOTIONAL STATE allows you to be.
That's why, at a certain point it can be so helpful to actually reduce the time you spend thinking about what to do and how to do it... And instead, to increase the time you spend simply learning and practicing how to embody those specific emotions that you've been shying away from, and learn how they can best serve & enliven you—especially in the kinds of situations that matter most.
UZAZU Embodied Intelligence gives you a clear, easy to learn & apply a set of principles and practices that empower you to identify exactly which kinds of emotions and other imbalanced states of being are 'getting in your way', and to then identify & practice shifting into the specific balanced, enlivening states that will most empower you to thrive, moment to moment.
Introducing the:
Embodied Emotional Empowerment Group Coaching Program
This embodiment-based, experiential, and relational emotions-focused training & group coaching , is designed with a complementary set of embodied & integrative formats to help give you the effective guidance, learning, practice, and deeper re-patterning opportunities to help you safely experience the full spectrum of your emotions as sources of valuable energy and information that you then bring as embodied wisdom & power into your daily life.
This journey into Emotional Empowerment unfolds in three successive phases:
Phase 1:
Understand Your Emotional Patterning and Expand Your Range

In phase 1, you'll learn to identify and safely experience a more full spectrum of your own emotions—and discover what their deeper gifts & powers are for you.
Having a way to safely feel & experience your various embodied, emotional states as they are currently showing up—and then being able to hold them with spacious awareness and self-compassion—is a key first step to transforming how you process & utilize your various emotions. Experiencing more spacious compassion towards your inner core affect states (the foundational ‘energy’ underneath all emotions) often already brings people a significant energetic shift and feeling of more flow and freedom.
In this phase, you'll learn how to cultivate the foundational Affect Tolerance capacities that helps clear away a lot of the inner resistance and lack of sense of safety that builds up over time, and then helps free up your Bodymind to let a given type of emotional energy flow more freely and intelligently through you.
Phase 2:
Cultivate More Emotional Empowerment in Your Daily Life

In phase 2, you'll practice letting more vibrant, empowering emotions flow through your body-mind, as you engage in daily life—so you can experience more consistent more motivation, focus, and appreciation in all you do.
Chances are, in some areas of your life, you can feel like you're holding back or not experiencing the energy, freedom, and/or confidence to really fully show up & engage with things as you ideally want or need to. We each tend to block (or overuse) specific emotions in different kinds of situations or activities. For, example letting our emotions of anger beskillfully used to support our assertiveness when we need it can be HUGE for many people. And/or learning to let ourselves feel and express sadness or regret while with others can be deeply healing—if we can find a way to feel safe sharing it. And we'll of course also be looking for where shame or guilt may be holding things back for you, and doing guided embodiment exercises to help you (finally!) move through it.
In this phase, you’ll learn how to step into your own emotional & energetic power more fully and easily—in a way that feels aligned with your current values and priorities. We’ll be doing very targeted, embodied work on your capacity, in specific contexts, to step more into your own emotions-driven inner-motivations and help you reconnect more fully with your sense of individual energy & power, your inner-knowing, and healthy self-esteem.
Phase 3:
Apply your Emotional Empowerment Skills to Challenging Situations

In phase 3, you'll be closely supported in applying your new state-shifting skills to those specific areas, or life-tensions that will make the biggest difference for you to bring change to.
This phase of this embodied self-development work is all about APPLICATION to specific life challenges. It is aimed to deepen how much you experience significant, tangible changes, directly in your day to day life. We each have those few specific situations (and they often relate somehow to similar situations in our past, no?) that are the most dysregulating for us, and require more than average understanding, self-compassion and re-patterning work. We’ll have time to work on those unique, individual needs here.
In this final phase, we’ll also focus on helping empower YOU to keep working by yourself and with friends & colleagues to more quickly & smoothly notice when the flow of your emotional energy is getting blocked or imbalanced and how to rebalance and redirect it on the fly, moment to moment. So you leave with a set of internalized, embodied emotions skills you can keep using to help support and empower yourself for the rest of your life.
Here’s What You Get, When You Join this Program:
A Weekly Embodiment Training Class
These weekly 90-minute highly interactive classes with Dylan will dive deeply into each of the core states of affect & emotion and the modes embodied engagement, helping you access and embody each state more & more optimally, and help you explore how best to integrate and synergize that embodied state into your daily life, in the ways that will be most helpful for YOU. Having conscious, intentional, repeatable peak experiences of specific states, and practicing how you will bring them into your life, is a hugely effective way to help evolve how you naturally show up in each moment.
About every other week, Dylan will also conduct several mini-sessions, ranging about 15-20 minutes per person. These sessions also help to demonstrate some of the many ways UZAZU can be used to address specific issues.
Weekly Personal Practice-Pod Meetings
Members will be placed into small Pod Groups of 4-5 people, and given specific yet open-ended guidelines for how to practice together and support each other, as well as help provide accountability and helpful feedback. (Members will be placed into Pods according to which meeting time slot works for them.)
Having this peer-to-peer interaction & support within your Pod is a huge part of what can help make your time in this group coaching program a transformational experience.
A Private Online Group Coaching Forum
This is a private, secure space to share your own questions, insights, breakthroughs and questions, within our Group Coaching tribe. We can learn so much—and gain so much inspiration and support—from each other. Having a dedicated, safe space to share online with other ‘embodied personal development journeyers’ from around the world, can be a very valuable resource. Dylan will be in this forum regularly as well, and will respond to any questions you ask, so you can keep moving forward with your own practice and process.
A Weekly Live, Guided UZAZU Practice
Having regular, weekly 60-minute guided UZAZU practices with Dylan (whether you can make them live or via the replays) are a great way to keep deepening and evolving your practice. The very focused sessions contain minimal talking: It's about quickly setting the context, preparing the body, mind, and awareness, and then submerging into the deep flow of that specific practice. Practices will start with the Affect Tolerance work, and move into the Primary personal Emotions and then on the Socio-Moral Emotions—practicing move all these energy patterns of emotion. Further on, we'll also do the 8-State Developmental Flow, the Opposite State Integration (Polarity work), and Dynamic Relational Embodiment Practices.
Access to Extended Support Materials
All Sessions, Classes and Guided Practices in this Group Coaching Program will be recorded and placed in a secure members area for you to easily access. You will also have access to the full version of the UZAZU Embodied Intelligence Self-Assessment, which allows you to retake it as often as you like, including for past periods in your life, and compare changes over time. You will also have the ability to identify & track progress on your own specific issues or topics—to help keep you focussed on the things that will be most helpful for you.
Program Session Dates & Times
Bonus Content
Signing up for the Embodied Emotional Empowerment Group Coaching Program also gives you these extras:
The UZAZU Personal Foundations Training
As part of the group coaching program, you'll get FREE access to this 6-hour online training, which efficiently teaches you all the foundations of UZAZU Embodied Intelligence, and includes several additional practice videos.
20% Off any Private Coaching with Dylan
If at any point during this 6-month program you wish to add in 1 or more private, 75-minute coaching sessions with Dylan, then any package you get (that's packages of 1, 3, 6, or 12 sessions) is 20% discounted.
Access to the Emotional States Self-Assessment
The UZAZU Emotional States Self Assessment allows you to quickly and intuitively self-assess how often & how intensely you experience each of the 8 Core Primary Emotions AND each of the 8 Core Socio-Moral Emotions.
About Dylan Newcomb
Dylan Newcomb is the founder & lead trainer of UZAZU Embodied Intelligence, a master embodiment-based coach for helping professionals & cultural creatives, and an avid embodiment researcher.
Dylan trained at the Juilliard School in both dance performance and music composition, and was a multi-award-winning choreographer-composer in the Netherlands for over a decade. Generously funded by the Dutch government, Dylan went on to co-found the Danslab Institute for Movement Research in 2001, where he conducted cross-cultural research for several years, exploring how vocal sounds, breath, and movement influenced thought, emotion, and behavior across hundreds of subjects. This research formed the basis for what has evolved into the comprehensive personal growth modality now known as UZAZU Embodied Intelligence.
Over the past 20 years, Dylan has taught his unique approach to embodiment training to over 3,000 students across 4 continents. He has trained coaches, therapists, group facilitators, policemen, doctors, and business leaders in how to quickly balance their inner states to bring more ease and flow to their engagement in the world.
Dylan is increasingly recognized as one of the emerging next-generation of leaders in the space of bringing the science and practice of embodiment-based personal development into the 21st Century.
As a master-coach, Dylan Newcomb works 1-1 online with helping professionals, supporting them to move through the remaining blocks holding them back from effectively getting their purpose-driven work into the world, and he works with conscious entrepreneurs & cultural creatives looking to grow their impact, while also growing as a whole person. Dylan lives with his wife Kyung-sun Baek and their 10 year old daughter Kiana in Freeport Maine, USA.

What people are saying about UZAZU
"...I have more Drive, more Passion..."
It's changing how I energetically interact with everything around me. I have more drive, more passion, and feel I can be more authentic. The most beneficial aspect of working with Dylan though, was how my personal relationships shifted.
"I’m just not triggered by “stuff” the way I used to be.."
I’ve waited my whole life to find UZAZU… Over these past months, working with UZAZU, my deep-seated sense of trauma-based “urgency” has all-but evaporated. I’m just not triggered by “stuff” the way I used to be, and when I am, I have a way of working with it that’s immediate and effective. And I feel more engaged with my purpose than ever before.
"When you do it, you feel better emotionally, mentally and physically."
This system is so vital, fresh and organic. When you do it, you feel better emotionally, mentally and physically. UZAZU deserves to be studied by anyone with a serious interest in promoting mind-body integration.
Payment Options
The Training begins Monday, April 18th.
You missed out!
1 Single Payment
6 Monthly Payments
If this training is something you feel drawn to do, then we'd love for you to be able to join! Schedule a 15-minute Zoom call with Dylan to explore if it’s a fit and how it could work for you.
Comes with a Complete, 30-Day Refund...

I really don’t want you to have to regret spending money on this! That’s why I’d much prefer to give you a full refund if, within the first 30 days, you’ve attended at least two of the first four sessions (live or in replay), and are still feeling it's maybe not a good fit for you or what you're needing right now. To get your refund, simply send an email to support@uzazu.org and we'll refund your entire payment, no questions asked.
Frequently Asked Questions
To be clear, this is not a training that helps you use UZAZU with others/clients—that's what our Professional Foundations Training & Practitioner Certification are for. That said, if you DO have professional training in UZAZU, or other related embodied client-focused methodologies, this program can definitely (indirectly) support you in more effectively working with your clients.
Firstly, it can help you identify and work on specific ways of being and interacting with others that are wanting more embodied attention, integration and growth—and this then empowers YOU to show up more effectively with your clients, and to 'model’ more for your clients the depth of embodied fullness & freedom you want for them.
Secondly, this program has ample space for you to bring in ANY issues or growth edges you want to work on—personal AND professional. So, for example, many helping professionals have challenges feeling comfortable and confident ‘getting their own work out there’... I LOVE working with people on the ‘inner game of marketing’. What comes up for you, for example, when you go to share your value—and offers & invitations—with others? SO much healthy, next-stage ego development can happen when we lean into the personal growth side of our own marketing-focused resistance & edges!
Or maybe it’s more for you about feeling drained from seeing so many clients, and the ‘compassion fatigue’ that can so easily build up... UZAZU can be a very precise and effective tool to help cope with and even overcome this. And I’ll be delighted to support people with this challenge as well.
Lastly, having the opportunity to see how I help different people use UZAZU to work with a very broad range of issues, and how I adapt my approach, style, and methods, depending on the person & topic, can potentially inspire and open new doors for you in your own work—UZAZU-based or otherwise.
We consistently get feedback on how surprisingly engaging and transformational it is for people, in this online format. I've been teaching UZAZU primarily online for over 9 years now, and am very satisfied with how it works in this 'virtual' setting. My team and I have worked (and keep working) hard to optimize the effectiveness of our online teaching methodologies.
As an added benefit to doing UZAZU embodiment training online—particularly given how inherently relational UZAZU is as a method—you are simultaneously teaching your body-mind-awareness system how to better energetically manage itself in online interactions. This helps make ALL your online meetings (including any online client sessions, if you do them) feel more connected and less draining. We will specifically address & practice how to use UZAZU to improve your online interaction experience during our time together.
I also provide a full discount if, within the first month of the group coaching program, you feel it's still not working for you. (See the last question for more details on this.)
YES, it's fine if you can’t always make it. I expect “life”—work appointments, vacations, etc— to possibly prevent you sometimes from being able to join. I definitely recommend being able to make it to at least 75% of the sessions live, if at all possible. I record ALL the sessions and make them available to you in a very user-friendly, private online course area for 2 full years after we finish, so you can go back to different parts & practices multiple times later (including all the handouts I share). This also includes 2-year access to a dedicated online UZAZU Group Coaching community space, where you can share and ask questions to other members. The small Practice Pod meetings will have a few different time-zone options, so you can pick the one that works best for your schedule. (We’ll determine those various options on the first week, once we know how many people we have in which time-zones.)
Yes, partly this Emotions-focused training will cover some of the same material as our Practitioner Certification Training, but from a ‘personal use’ perspective. Here, we’re not focusing on how to facilitate embodied work with Others. However, in our 4 months together, you will go much more in-depth into our own embodiment and daily-life use of the core Modes & Posture of UZAZU than in the Personal and/or Professional Foundations Training.
We will have ample time together to explore many facets of how to embody and work with each of the 9 core states and their postures AND on how to take simple and even complex ‘issues’ or tensions in your life and work effectively on them using UZAZU. We’ll also be working personally a good amount with Emotions. In that process, I’ll definitely be sharing and leading people through some of the more advanced, in-depth ways to use UZAZU work on resolving unprocessed ‘inner stuff’ and cultivating a greater capacity to bring a more full & balanced range of states into those situations, or areas of your life, that most matter to you. You will also get to see & experience HOW I help various people in this process, which, if you’re a facilitator yourself, can be very informative.
This personal-development-focused journey with UZAZU can also be a great thing to do before joining the longer Certification Training, as a way of gaining deeper skill navigating your OWN patterns of embodiment before the more client-focus of the Cert. Taining.
Also, if you join this Emotions-focused training, we’ll give you an additional 10% discount on the Certification next year. Which, together with the super early-bird discount, adds up to 35%.
All group coaching sessions & recordings, including and especially all personal content shared in them from participants, will be held in strict confidence. The UZAZU teaching and guided workshop weeks (every other week) may be shared with future group coaching cohorts. The alternating weeks, where we primarily focus on individual current ‘issues’ or tensions in focused 1-1’s with me/Dylan will not be shared beyond this group.
All participants will be asked to sign a privacy & confidentiality agreement before we begin. The video recordings and the private content & sharing areas of the UZAZU website are always maintained with 2-layers of heavy-duty password protected firewalls, to prevent any malicious hacking attempts.
We also have clear guidelines, that we’ll make explicit at the beginning, how members are expected to interact with each other, to help ensure a safe and respectful environment for us to share and work together in. It’s important everyone feels safe to be honest and vulnerable, during this process. Our embodied, interactive exercises typically help a lot as well, right from the beginning, to help build trust with and respectful empathy for each other.
It’s different from my private coaching in many ways, and similar in a few others ;-). Both ways, you get a LOT of direct access to me, and have my ongoing feedback & input on how you can effectively handle specific challenges in your life.
My private coaching program is either six or twelve 75-minute sessions, either weekly or bi-weekly. Because of the group coaching format, I can afford to give MORE of my time for less cost to you. So in this group coaching program, you get 4 months of continual practice, input, feedback, and 1-1 mini-sessions of 15-30 minutes every 2-3 weeks or so, if you desire them. Plus the supported Pod group work and community support.
If you want to do really focused work on some deeper issues, where for example some patterns where early childhood trauma may be implicated, or deeper multi-generational patterns are significantly at play, etc, then these are often best suited for the longer, more private format of my private sessions.
But/and, I consistently find that to work on the deeper patterns and healing, it is typically easier & more effective to accomplish this when the person has already learned and developed some good skill with several of the core states we use in UZAZU (Sponge, Cradle, Pillar, and Bridge mostly—for those already ‘savvy’ in basic UZAZU...). Having the core states as deeply integrated resources, then makes doing deeper work much more smooth, gentle, efficient, and effective, I find.
That’s why I’m also offering all Group Coaching members the option to add on 1, 3, 6 or 12 sessions at a 20% discount at any time during the 4 months. Adding just 1 or 3 private sessions, when you feel you truly need to dive deeper with something, can be a very effective combination.
“Probably”, is my currently best answer.
This is the second Group Coaching Program I’ve offered in about 7 years. Since that time, I have been waiting for what felt like the right time for me to feel confident I could offer it in a way that would be truly effective & transformational for up to 20 people. This relaunch of UZAZU in a group-coaching format is hopefully part of several/many more to come. The exact format, and price, may very well change—especially during the first 1-3 rounds of it—as I experiment, get feedback, and continue to grow and evolve it.
No dates are set yet for a possible third round. If you would very likely be interested in joining, if a new one starts in the fall of 2022, then please do email me directly and let me know. It will greatly help me in deciding if/when to do a next round of this program!
I really don’t want you to have to regret spending money on this! That’s why I’d much prefer to give you a full refund if, within the first 30 days, you’ve attended at least two of the first four sessions (live or in replay), and are still feeling it's maybe not a good fit for you or what you're needing right now. To get your refund, simply send an email to support@uzazu.org and we'll refund your entire payment, no questions asked.
Are you interested in joining, but still have questions if it's a fit for you right now? Then book a 15-minute consult with Dylan to discuss what might best serve you.
We close enrollment on Friday, April. 15th, so book your consult well-enough in advance.