The Foundations of UZAZU Embodied Intelligence 

3-Day Online Training for Helping Professionals

with UZAZU Founder & Lead Trainer Dylan Newcomb and Co-Trainer Deb Grant, LCSW & RSMT

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If you are a coach, counselor, consultant, therapist, or other helping professional—and whether you have a lot of prior experience in body-based practices & interventions or not—you’ll come away from this highly engaging 3-day intensive online training (and the post-training online materials) with a clear set of embodied principles, practices, and protocols you can use right away with your clients. 

In this 3-Day Live Online Training, you will:

  • Learn how to quickly and accurately "read" your clients underlying, embodied patterns. And gain a clear, holistic understanding of HOW your client tends to lose their capacity to remain well-regulated and empowered—both personally and interpersonally. And then—most importantly—have a roadmap for how to bring them back into balance. This simple, integrative model of embodied states reveals & interconnects people’s Attachment Style, Emotional Self-Regulation, Self-Efficacy, and Interaction patterns in a simple, relatable, embodied framework.
  • Learn to work skillfully with a core set of nine simple body postures to help your clients balance & integrate the various dysregulated states they may be experiencing and apply these self-regulated & empowering states in their daily lives. Become equipped to give your clients highly targeted, embodied ‘homework’ exercises (using the 9 core postures of UZAZU) so they can easily practice at home, gradually re-pattern their specific imbalances, and keep integrating & growing beyond their 1-1 sessions with you.
  • Learn how to apply what you learn through UZAZU’s Embodied Intelligence Self-Assessment process to improve how you manage your own attention, nervous system regulation, and body language while interacting with your clients—so you can experience a more easeful and effective flow in your sessions, and come away feeling LESS drained and MORE energized.
  • Learn how to better manage your own energy, and connect more deeply & effectively with your clients in ONLINE SESSIONS. UZAZU Embodied Intelligence works very well in online video sessions—and we'll get you started with some key tips on how to do it most effectively.

You will learn embodied practices to support your clients in each of UZAZU's Four Core Areas of Embodiment


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Inner-Experience is the area of embodiment related to Self-Focused Sensing, that is, one's embodied sense of self. It includes:

  • Your (client's) embodied experience: sensations, feelings, and emotions.
  • Your (client's) capacity for holding inner-experience with mindful self-compassion.


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Self-Agency is the area of embodiment related to Self-Focused Acting, that is, one's embodied actions on behalf of yourself. It includes:

  • Your (client's) empowered self-efficacy: motivation, confidence, and determination.
  • Your (client's) constructive self-esteem: self-respect, self-potential, and vulnerability.


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Connection is the area of embodiment related to Other-Focused Sensing, that is, one's embodied sense of "being with" other people, things, and the environment. It includes:

  • Your (client's) experience of supportive connection: empathy, understanding, closeness, reciprocity
  • Your (client's) capacity for adaptive communion: orientation & adaptability to the environment, social ease, and responsiveness 


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Collaboration is the area of embodiment related to Other-Focused (Inter)Acting, that is, one's embodied actions on behalf of others or the environment. It includes:

  • Your (client's) capacity for purposeful contribution: the ability to focus, follow-through, and effectively serve & provide, while connecting to own purpose
  • Your (client's) co-creative engagement: social and professional engagement, capacity for collaboration, and ability to adapt & improvise in times of change. 

About UZAZU's Live Online Trainings

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In each session, you'll ENGAGE—interactively and experientially—with the content at hand. You'll be guided (safely) through experiencing a full spectrum of balanced & imbalanced STATES. And you'll learn how to help your clients balance THIEIR states. It's a very "full-on" process, so come prepared to DO, FEEL, SHARE, and REFLECT!

Each day, you'll have ample opportunities to PRACTICE & APPLY what you're learning with your training partners via carefully crafted Zoom Breakout Group activities. This keeps you continually engaged and learning-by-doing. The overall format is highly interactive, embodied learning—NOT PowerPoint Lectures about embodiment!

NOTE: This training gives you all the essential knowledge and skills you need to use the foundational embodiment practices and change protocols of UZAZU Embodied Intelligence with clients. It is also the prerequisite training for UZAZU's full certification training. For those who are interested to more fully master and use a more extensive range of UZAZU Embodied Intelligence methods, the 9-month Practitioner Certification Training begins its next cohort on March 7th, 2021.

Here's what you'll receive with this live online training:

  • 18 hours of live, interactive training & practice, streamed live via Zoom, 6 hours per day, for 3 days.
  • 2-year access to all the live online training sessions, in video replay version, in a special online course area.
  • 2 Embodied "homework" follow-up video practices to keep you moving forward & further integrating.
  • PDF Summary of all the main sessions in the online training—so you can reread them after watching the videos.
  • 2-Year access to the UZAZU online community—where you can share your questions, reflections, and successes—to help you keep learning and growing with UZAZU, well beyond this intensive online training.
  • A 2-hour Online Post / Q&A Call with Dylan Newcomb, 10 days after the intensive 3-day training, we'll have a 2-hour online post-training follow-up webinar with me, where we review the material and you can ask any questions you have. This follow-up session will be very useful in helping you confidently use & apply what you've learned.

Two Training Options:

Our Training Schedule each day will be:

EST, USA: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm (Break: 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm)
London, U.K.: 2:00 pm - 9:00 pm (Break: 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm)

Note: All live online Zoom training sessions will be recorded and made available for you to access anytime, in a private online course area, for 2 years.
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> The Recorded, 'Instant Access' Version <

(Recorded January 21 - 23, 2021)

> The Next Live, Online Version: <

The next live online training is not currently scheduled. (We had one scheduled for April 15-17, but we've postponed it.) In mid-spring, we'll announce a next date, for the second half of 2021. In meantime, the recorded version of this exact same training is available now (above.) Buying the recorded version will also give you a 80% off discount on attending the next live online version.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is this training for? How do I know if it's a good fit for ME?

Do I need to have any prior experience in doing "embodied work" to take this online training?

Is this a certification training? What will I be able to DO, professionally speaking, with what I learn?

Do I have to take this 3-Day Training, if I want to join the upcoming Practitioner Certification Training? 

I'm not so sure about doing embodiment-based trainings ONLINE. Is there a LIVE, in person version?

What if I can't make it to all (or even any) of the actual live training sessions? Will there be a replay?

I look forward to meeting you personally, in the training...

If your questions are not answered above, just click on the chat button or email me at and I'm happy to respond!

Yours in embodied ease & vitality - Dylan Newcomb
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