The Foundations of UZAZU Embodied Intelligence 

3-Day Online Intensive Training for Helping Professionals

January 20-22, 2022

with UZAZU Founder Dylan Newcomb and Co-Trainer Deb Grant, LCSW & RSMT

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Marina Bondarenko

Embodiment-coach, Business-Trainer, Psychotherapist

"UZAZU gave me a valuable set of new tools right from the beginning, while further immersion in this method seems to open up endless fields of new opportunities—including for my own self-growth! I highly recommend UZAZU Embodied Intelligence as a very effective, well-formed system for all kinds of helping professionals."

As a coach, therapist, or other helping professional, you’ll come away from this highly engaging 3-day training with a comprehensive framework & toolkit of practical, embodied principles & practices you can use right away with your clients.

In this embodiment-based training, you will:

  • Learn to quickly and accurately "read" your clients underlying, embodied patterns.
  • Gain a clear, holistic understanding of HOW your client tends to lose their capacity to remain well-regulated and empowered. And then have a roadmap for how to bring them back into balance.
  • Work with a core set of nine, simple body postures to help your clients balance & integrate the various dysregulated states they may be experiencing and apply these empowering states in their daily lives.
  • Give your clients highly targeted, embodied ‘homework’ exercises (using the 9 core postures of UZAZU) so they can easily integrate & grow—well beyond their 1-1 sessions with you.
  • Improve how you manage your own attention, nervous system regulation, and body language while interacting with your clients—so you can serve multiple clients per day without 'taking their stuff on' and becoming tired or drained.
  • Learn simple principles and 'quick tips' for how to work sensitively and effectively ONLINE with your 1-1 clients. (UZAZU Embodied Intelligence actually works very well in online settings!)

How this Online Training Works, and What You'll Get

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UZAZU online trainings are all about experiential learning. It's not about just giving you information & theory.

You'll be invited to engage, interactively and experientially. Then, you'll be able to immediately to practice & apply what you're learning with your co-trainees.

This approach keeps you continually engaged and learning-by-doing. It's a very "full-on" process, so come prepared to engage, practice, and experience!

Here's what you'll receive with this live online training:

  • 18 hours of live, interactive training & practice, live via Zoom, 6 hours each day (with breaks), for 3 days.
  • PDF Reference Sheets, Summaries and Worksheets of all the main content in the online training—so you can easily keep referring back to and working with the material, beyond the live sessions & video replays.
  • Additional pre-recorded practice videos you can use to support your own embodiment of the core states and as dedicated state-cultivation practices you can do regularly, to optimize you own energy each day.
  • 2-year access to all the live online training sessions, in video replay version, in a special online course area.
  • 2-Year access to the UZAZU online community—where you can share your questions, reflections, and successes—to help you keep learning and growing with UZAZU, well beyond this intensive online training.

This live online training will take place:

Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, January 20-22, 2022

Times each day are: 

USA, EST: 9:00am - 4:00pm / U.K. BST: 2:00pm - 9:00pm

Each training day, we will work for 90 minutes, then a 10-minute break, then work for 80 minutes, then a 1-hour meal break, and then again 90-10-80. Combined with the highly engaging, interactive nature of the training, and the use of breakout groups for smaller group learning, practice, and discussion activities, our time together tends to fly by.

All live online Zoom training sessions will be recorded and made available for you to access anytime, in a private online course area, for 2 years. Please keep in mind, this training may be made available later in its Replay form to others. We encourage participants to keep their video on, to support optimal connect & interaction, AND you can turn it off as well at any time!
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Alex Iglecia

Life coach, UZAZU Practitioner, founder - being epic

"In less than one hour, it gives my clients the learning and personal growth that otherwise can take months. ….they come out the other side with radical awareness and alignment."

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Deb Grant, LCSW, RSMT

Psychotherapist & somatic movement trainer, UZAZU Master Trainer

"Comprehensive, easy-to-follow, and enjoyable for clients, UZAZU helps me to facilitate changes in therapy sessions that happen quickly and have lasting impact."

Time Left To Join The 7-Week Foundations Training:

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You missed out!

Payment Options:

Here's another option: Attend Just the First Day!

Day 1: Embody Balance & Flow in Your Life, by activating the 9 Core States

Whether you're just interested in UZAZU for your own personal use...
Or you’d like to experience the basics, before joining the full training...

You’ll come away from this highly engaging 1-day, 6-hour training with a rich, full-spectrum experience of embodied states, and with complete practice instructions on how to further cultivate and embody the 9 Core States you need in order to experience more easeful engagement, flow, and vitality in any aspect of your life.

PLEASE NOTE: If, after the first day, you decide you want attend the next two days, then you'll be able to purchase the 'upgrade' for $467 if you choose the $47 option, or $417 if you choose the $97 option.

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This system is so vital, fresh and organic. When you do it, you feel better emotionally, mentally and physically. UZAZU deserves to be studied by anyone with a serious interest in promoting mind-body integration.

Larry Stoler

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I have become more focused, discerning, and purposeful. I am making more money and cultivating better relationships. And find I have a deeper understanding of, and appreciation for, the underlying dynamics of life. The language of UZAZU has given me an embodied way to be with the details and processes of all aspects of my life.

Luna Marendi

Benedikt MacIssaac
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It's changing how I energetically interact with everything around me. I have more drive. I have more passion. I feel I can be more authentic, and sharing my truth is one of the most gratifying things I have now.

Benedikt MacIsaac

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is this training for? How do I know if it's a good fit for ME?

Do I need to have any prior experience in doing "embodied work" to take this online training?

Is this a certification training? What will I be able to do, professionally speaking, with what I learn?

Do I have to take this training, if I want to join the upcoming Practitioner Certification Training? 

I'm not so sure about doing embodiment-based trainings ONLINE. Is there a LIVE, in person version?

What if I can't make it to all (or even any) of the actual live training sessions? Will there be replay videos?

A huge, 80% discount, if you're re-taking this Pro Training!

Often, people like to do this training more than once... To deepen their skills, and/or to refresh their active, working memory of the various embodied states with work in UZAZU. Retaking the training also a great way to gear up for taking the full Certification Training.

If you've already taken it, we'd love to encourage you to come back and go through the training again! As an embodiment-based modality, we are strong advocates for the power of repetition & practice!

That's why we're offering a generous 80% discount to all Foundations Training retakers.

Just put in the code FOUNDATIONS-RETAKER when you check out, or just click here, whichever payment option you choose. You could also opt to do just the 1-day, using the same code.

I look forward to meeting you personally, in the training...

If your questions are not answered above, just click on the chat button or email me at and I'm happy to respond!

Yours in embodied ease & vitality - Dylan Newcomb

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