UZAZU Testimonials

Inspire more people to discover & access the goodness of dynamic embodiment!

Thank you so much for leaving a testimonial! 

Over the years, I've learned that with UZAZU, as with anything new and different, it's the testimony of people like you—who have already experienced and benefitted from it—that most inspire others to also take the leap and give it a try! Your sharing about it is a gift to those who might also benefit!

In each testimonial section below I've included a few different (optional) questions to help you share an account of your experience that might be most helpful to others. Including a photo/headshot is not at all essential, but it does indeed help you 'feel more real' to others ;-). If you submit more than one testimonial, an additional photo is not necessary (unless you want to, of course!).

Thank you again for your time and generosity in helping 'share the goodness'.

Dylan Newcomb Close 2

~ Dylan newcomb

Click on the relevant section(s) and share your experience!

Live UZAZU Workshops with Dylan

Online Course: The Foundations of UZAZU Dynamic Embodiment

Group Coaching for The Foundations of UZAZU Dynamic Embodiment

Thank You Gratitude Sand Beach Ocean 1024x683