Step 2: Schedule a Conversation with Dylan

Benedikt MacIssaac
Ben MacIssac Musician

More drive and passion...

It's changing how I energetically interact with everything around me. I have more drive. I have more passion. I feel I can be more authentic, and sharing my truth is one of the most gratifying things I have now.

Luna Marendi UZAZU Feb 2014 Square
Luna Marendi

I have become more focused...

I have become more focused, discerning, and purposeful. I am able to process emotional waves much more deeply and swiftly.

Shirly Weiss Head 2
Shirley Weiss MA, HHC, WeissHolistic

How simply I can choose step back into my power!

For me, personally, I became aware of areas where I was withholding parts of myself. By observing my body, moving through these movements with Dylan's guidance, I was able to see how simply I can choose to step back into my power!

Richard Gordon Portrait Web
Richard Gordon Founder/Author: Quantum Touch

A powerful system of combining sound, movement, and energy

Dylan Newcomb has developed a truly fascinating, original and powerful system of combining sound, movement, and energy. Like any great discovery, the full uses and benefits of this system will continue to enrich and surprise us for decades.

Toineke Theeuwes
Toinneke Theeuwes Managing Healthcare Consultant

More release, joy and self-acceptance!

As a result of my sessions, I feel more release, joy and feel I can accept myself more deeply and grow. I am so grateful for how Dylan has helped me become aware of my body, as an instrument that never lies. He has taught me how to listen to it and to use it!

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...I highly recommend Dylan’s coaching & practices to others because it works!

Before I started, I was a bit apprehensive to do UZAZU Coaching via web video with someone I have never met. I imagined maybe I’d just be doing movements with Dylan, but the coaching sessions have more elements of ‘actual coaching’ than I first expected. 

With Dylan’s special techniques, skills and intuitions, it is amazing how quickly we identified the underlying problems, and hence could focus and work on them. 

The sessions I’ve had with Dylan have helped me to realize a lot about the transition I want to make, and gave me the confidence that I will make it and come out as a better and happier person living a more meaningful life. 

Working together, things started to move and shift instead of being stuck and I’ve gained much insight and clarity into the root causes and my weaknesses. I’m much clearer now on where I stand, and where I want to go. While we are looking into the mind and heart for answers, we are able to use UZAZU to help energies flow, and connect body and mind. 

The combination of coaching and the UZAZU practices is perfect! 

Outside of my sessions with Dylan, the UZAZU exercises he advised for me have been very easy to practise, especially with the help of the online practice videos! This helped unblock things and promote shifting in my life. 

I highly recommend Dylan’s coaching and practices to others because it works! You are able to make an interesting journey of discovering what works best for you. Anyone living anywhere can learn, practice and grow at their own convenience and benefit.

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- Vicky Chan