Utilize Dylan's Private Coaching, in combination with your Foundations Course materials, to transform your deeper limiting patterns, get out of your own way, and powerfully move into embodying your deeper purpose.
For Participants who have recently completed the UZAZU Foundations Course: use the Coupon 'ADD-PRIVATE-COACHING' and get 25% off!
Is it time for you to move into a new way of being?
Maybe you have a really good sense of WHAT kind of quality of life, career journey, and way of being you are ready to step into next... But HOW to show up in certain key areas of your life and fullyembody that change? That's proving to be a slower, more frustrating & elusive process than you'd like...
Or maybe it's clear that where you are at right now is 'not really doing it for you'... But sensing WHERE your life's journey is truly wanting to take you and then trusting & acting upon your inner knowing? That'snot feeling clear or strong enough to allow you to take powerful action, (In truth, can often feel paralyzing...)
Supporting your life's journey to clearly & powerfully move into your next key growth stage—in way that's truly organic & resonant for you at a soul level—is a mysterious, long, and often frustrating experience.
After all, we typically can't 'solve' a problem from the same level at which it was created, right? 😉 That's why working with someone who can really 'meet you there', and help you more fully embody the deeper processes that are most truly wanting to happen, can make a such a big difference in the speed, ease, and depth with which these key transitions can take place for you.
Are there any deep, limiting patterns you need to shift?
Many of the people I work with in my private practice have already done a significant amount of 'personal growth work'. They have a largely coherent 'story' about why they are where they are right now. And they've worked through a lot of stuff already too... And yet: there are still certain things that stillhave not shifted (!) in the way, or to the extent, that they intuitively feel/know is possible. And it feels for them like the time is ripe to evolve into the next level of love & power in service of a deeper purpose.
And this is where doing integrally embodied growth & healing work 1-1 with an expert facilitator can be so key: in catalyzing those deeper levels of transformation.
No matter how 'mentally clear you are' about your Self—your 'story', your needs & desires, your sense of purpose, your limiting patterns, etc—in terms of 'real, lasting change', it all comes down to one thing: Your Conditioning. In other words: How does your Bodymind naturally RESPOND, in the moment, to specific stimuli, in specific contexts??
Because until THAT shifts, what you mostly get is just 'a better story' about what is, what has been, and what's possible (if you ever shift your conditioned responses). Helpful, to a degree for sure, but ultimately limited in it's usefulness.
That's why having (and regularly doing) highly targeted, embodied practices that can shift your conditioning down to the unconscious bodymind level—especially ones that are highly tailored to YOUR situation and current skillset—will make all the difference in the speed and ease in which your current patterning can significantly evolve.
Here's some of the main things I work with my clients on:
Not ALL these themes may, on the surface, seem equally relevant or 'key' for you to work on... But I have found, over the past 15 years of doing this with people, that once we get below the level of the Conscious Mind, there's almost always some form of change that's wanting/needing to happen in each of these areas.
Identifying what things it truly makes the most sense to focus on first, in your next wave of healing & growth. Often, people come to me with a 'clear sense' of what they want to change, and/or where they want to BE in their life... Surprisingly, often 2-3 sessions later, those 'goals' have evolved into a more pragmatic & grounded set of priorities to focus on first that will build a more authentic and sustainable foundation from which the next 'unfoldings' can emerge. Sequence is everything! 😉
Clearing up energetic & self-identity enmeshments (typically unconscious) with your parents, other early childhood caregivers, children, significant others, AND your ancestors. Without a clear differentiation of energy & information fields between you and the various Others in your constellations, it's REALLY hard to get to soul-aligned, fully embodied clarity about how YOU feel, what YOU value, what YOU want, what YOUR purpose is wanting to look & feel like right now. With new clients, I almost always 'handle' this first. And with UZAZU, we have some really effective, 'fast-acting' protocols that empower you to reorganize these crucial boundaries—all the way down to the unconscious, body level. For many, this subtle-yet profound shift is a game changer.
Learning to hold your Inner-Experiences in a more fully embodied, loving and relaxed-yet-energizing way that's transpersonally grounded. Experiences come and go.Pain and Pleasure will keep taking turns showing up strongly in your experience, in so many different ways—naturally arising, due to your prior conditioning.One of the EASIEST things to do as a human, is to stay lockedin the suffering-dense dance of craving more pleasurable experiences and trying to avoid the painful ones.The more you can hold all your inner-experience in a loving, appreciatively embodied embrace, then everything is already experienced 'in Goodness'. Like this, you naturally find yourself, less stressed, less anxiety-filled, and naturally more playful and curious where 'the life-journey' wants to take you next. There's so much less struggle and so much more joy. A transpersonal, deeply embodied approach is key.
Stepping into your own Inner-Knowing, and fully embracing your own innate Power to Do Good. Knowledge IS indeed intimately related to Power... And fully trusting your own Knowing, and then amplifying your capacity to channel that knowing into the world as source of true Goodness—well that's a form of Power worth having! For virtually all my clients (and especially the women, many of whom have been, let's say, 'extra under-supported' in OWNING their own knowing and capacity to act powerfully) transforming this challenge is finally possible when it's not just another head-game, but is embraced as a whole body-mind-spirit re-organization of energy flows.
Regaining trust in your capacity to find and stay in CONNECTION and to co-create real GOODNESS— for Others and for your Self. Our capacity to connect in a way that's aligned, deeply resonant, reciprocal, nourishing and appropriately boundary-ed is so essential our happiness, growth and well-being. This often requires some deep-level transformation of your attachment-patterning, which was formed in early childhood. And then we often work on the capacity to find and maintain connection in a range of contexts, and within a range of inner/emotional experiences. (Can you stay in connection, even during an experience of Sadness or Anger, for example?) It's so helpful for us to practice this together. And I then support you in practicing this with Others. This can actually shift for you more quickly than you might expect, once your body-mind starts to really 'get' how to do it.
Aligning & synergizing your stages of professional & business growth with your stages of personal growth. I've seen this again and again (also in my own life, of course): 'developmental handicaps' or gaps in your personal growth will inevitably 'handicap' your work in the world. More often than we usually want to admit or accept, the blocks and stagnation in our professional life are a direct reflection of our inner process—not just mentally, but throughout the whole spectrum of our being. It's time we stop holding these 'life areas' so separately! Engaging in a coaching process that embraces your inner and your outer developmentas one dynamic whole could well prove hugely catalytic to you evolving through the rich, mysterious next stage of your authentic life's journey.
I can now bring my idea into Reality!
Penny Harris -
Renewable Philanthropy
Working with Dylan for the past months, I can now bring my idea into reality. He is helping me transform a big, underdeveloped idea into something concrete and he's supporting me to create ways I can powerfully communicate that!
Extremely soul-nourishing and life-confirming
Judith Minnema -
Social Artist, Transformation Facilitator
It is extremely soul nourishing and life confirming/fulfilling to be seen and to experience myself as a whole, leaving nothing out. Dylan is very gifted in meeting you where you are, fully honoring that, and then working from there to whatever naturally reveals itself to be seen and included.
I feel empowered and clear
Rob Scott -
Life Coach & Marketer
Working with Dylan has helped me to feel empowered and clear, even in the midst of a lot of chaos—and that feeling has stayed! We tend to be very much lost in our "mind-stuff" these days and getting more into the body in this way is unlike any other approach I've seen out there. It's powerful stuff! Dylan is a master at what he does.
Straight to the Essence...
Peter Merry -
CIO, Ubiquity University
Dylan combined his open heart and clear mind together with UZAZU to get us straight to the essence. He empowered me to take ownership of any issues and work on them myself. With great success!
Here's what you get, when you Sign up for this Coaching:
Twelve 75-minute Embody Your Purpose Coaching Sessions with Dylan Newcomb via Zoom Video Conferencing.
Optional Recordings of each session directly to your laptop or desktop computer so you can review it again later (Helpful!)
A customized, interactive Coaching Journey Board to support your process & keep you effectively focused.
Embodied "homework" practices after each session, posted on your Journey Board, to keep you moving forward.
Pre and Post Session Reflection Forms to optimize your learning & integration feedback loops.
Chat support via the Board, in between sessions, to help you with any questions or 'process snags' you may have.
Click to View this Sample Coaching Board Full Size
My 100% MONEY BACK GUARANTEE to you...
Many people don't offer money-back with live coaching services, but I feel strongly about it. If, after our first session together, you don't feel a palpable sense of real 'transformational possibility', and/or simply don't feel a strong & supportive enough connection, then I encourage you to just let me know, and we'll refund your investment. No problem whatsoever!
I look forward to Personally supporting You on youR Journey...
Are you feeling called to evolve right now? To 'step it up' in bigger, more ease-fully empowered way that allows YOUR authentic self to really sing? Each person's 'organic unfolding' is it's own uniquely beautiful & mystery-filled process. I would be honored to be able to personally help YOU move into the next stage of your ongoing evolution.
This coaching can also be a wonderfully potent compliment to the Foundations of Dynamic Embodiment online course. That's why I offer my coaching to active 'UZAZU students' first, and at a special 25% discount(!) Because I know that you are in a position to get the most out of it. The synergy between the course's foundation UZAZU practices and these 12 individual sessions, with personalized 'homework', is a powerful formula for accelerated for growth. If the time feels right for you, then I encourage you to 'seize the moment' and sign up now. I look forward to working with you!
For Participants who have recently completed the UZAZU Foundations Course: use the Coupon 'ADD-PRIVATE-COACHING' and get 25% off!
Frequently Asked Questions about the Private Sessions:
What does Private Coaching ADD to the Course, and what’s the difference with the Group Coaching?
Private Coaching shifts the whole center of the process to You—where you are at in your life journey right now. Does this feel like a key moment or period for you? Do you feel like a big shift is wanting or needing to happen? My private coaching focuses on honing in on the ‘deeper purpose & process’ that’s wanting to unfold through YOU at this moment, and supporting that to happen in the most efficient, joy-filled, and fully integrated way possible. Having the course as well, and being in the process of learning UZAZU, makes the whole journey significantly more potent... Each session typically 'unlocks' or reveals new, powerful ways to utilize one or more of the embodiment postures to transform something very important to YOU in your life right then. And there's no more powerful way to learn and integrate something than to use it so deeply & meaningfully in that moment.
What about if I fully complete the Course first, and then maybe do some Private sessions later?
You can certainly hold off on the private coaching for now... You can just focus on the course, and then do the Private Sessions later. It is IS a significant time commitment, to do it all at once... But if you are looking to create a BIG shift in your patterns of thought, feeling and action in a short period of time, this synergistic combination is a great way to do that. I prioritize my 'in-course' clients by giving them a 25% discount as well, because I prefer working with people who are actively studying UZAZU: I know those are very often the people I can make the biggest impact with. And that's super rewarding for me 🙂
If I get the Private Coaching Package now, do I have to use it immediately, or can I wait a bit?
You can start immediately, or you can wait a few weeks to begin—it's up to you. I offer you this discount NOW, because I want you to be able to have first option to take one of the few slots I currently have available. In a very short time, I will launch the next round of this online course, and these remaining slots will likely fill up.
What’s the recommended frequency of the Private Sessions, and can I adapt them to my schedule?
It’s your journey, so you set the rhythm. Life happens, and we respond accordingly 🙂 And yet: consistency does often tend to serve… I've learned over time that for most people, a weekly rhythm is ideal, and bi-weekly when more space is desired to integrate and work with stuff in between. And it’s also fine to pause it for a few weeks. Because life. And vacations, etc. I have an online scheduler I send you a link to. I work Monday-Friday and generally have 2-3 slots available per day at USA & European time-zone friendly times. I make sure there's always space, and encourage people to book themselves out at least 2-4 weeks in advance, usually.
Howare your Private Coaching Sessions structured?
The sessions are done via Zoom video, and you can easily record all or parts of your session directly to your computer. (Many people like to review them later again…) The process is grounded in a shared, conscious presencing—practicing noticing how Awareness is relating to what your mind-body is ‘being and doing’, moment to moment. And within that ever more conscious ‘awaring’, we focus on whatever seems to be most interesting to place attention on. That could be relational challenges, ‘work issues’, past traumatic events, confusion & worries about ‘the future’, and/or just flat out exploring how YOU can be more free, happy, free and purpose-filled in how you’re living.
Each client gets a customized Coaching Journey Board that I've developed over the past years which holds the Pre and Post Session Reflection Forms (These kind of feedback loops help a lot with maximizing your growth.) This board is also where I share your customized 'homework' exercises and any individualized belief-statement work we may be doing. It's also the private portal through which we can communicate in between sessions, in case you have any questions or want to share something. If you wanna see what this Coaching Board looks like, here's a short intro video I give all my new clients.
Can I meet with you personally to help myself decide if I want to do these coaching sessions now?
Certainly! If you already know, at this point, this is something you want to do, then please just go ahead and sign up. You'll get an email right away with the simple steps for booking your first session and getting your Coaching Journey Board. If you have any concerns at all, however,I encourage you to grab a 25-minute slot on my calendar here and let’s talk!