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Embodied Intelligence

Get out of your head, and step into Authentic Empowerment

by learning a modern, research-based Embodiment Practice that empowers you to dynamically shift & adapt your thoughts, feelings and actions to more optimally meet each moment.

What is UZAZU?

A deeply embodied approach to fostering Self-Development that integrates the 3 key elements of:

UZAZU Is A MODEL That Gives You An Emboded Framework 2

So You Can:

  Intuitively make deeper connections between your Thoughts, Feelings, & Actions.
UZAZU Is A METRIC That Gives You An Embodied Assessment 2

So You Can:

  Holistically track & balance your Modes of Thinking, Feeling & Doing.
UZAZU Is A METHOD That Gives You An Embodied Practice 2 1

So You Can:

  Rapidly Accelerate your Development, both Personally & Inter-Personally.
(Click on any circle above to learn more...)

UZAZU helps you step more fully into your power, in a way that cultivates deeper connection to your Self & Others.

(Click to watch...)
UZAZU Testimonial Shirley1 Developing Social Dynamics
"how simple and easy it can be
to step back into my power"
UZAZU Testimonial Dagmar1 Deeply Connected With Myself
"a way for me to really deeply connect with myself & others"
UZAZU Testimonial Nicholas2 Embodying A Balance Of Polarity 1
"for me, it's really been about balancing polarities in my life"
UZAZU Testimonial Bita 1 I Am In Charge Of My Life
"there's a counter-reaction to life that I am in charge of!"

How are YOU wanting to show up more fully in your life?

Join the FREE Training Webinar with UZAZU Founder Dylan Newcomb

How the Four Core Skills of Embodiment Can Help You Thrive Now.

The Four Core Embodiment Skills Images And Badges 2
  • Learn about and directly experience the four core types of embodiment that you need to thrive—both individually, and in your relationships.
  • Be supported in making key connections between your own current top challenges & frustrations and The Four Core Skills of Embodiment—so you can walk away knowing what kinds of embodiment practices will be most transformational & empowering for you NOW.
  • Learn about an exciting new opportunity to study and practice the UZAZU Embodied Intelligence online, directly with Dylan.

How can we help you?

It's the Mission of UZAZU to empower people, from all walks of life, to cultivate the Embodied Awareness, Skills and Habits that will allow them to live a more deeply satisfying and joyful life.
In that spirit, I am glad and grateful you've made it to our website! Who knows — perhaps UZAZU will have something 'juicy' and valuable to bring into your life at this juncture... If, as you make your way through the information here, you have any questions, find yourself curious about or wanting something that's not here, or you sense a potential opportunity to get involved or collaborate in some way, then please, by all means, reach out!  I'd love to hear from you.
In the meantime, I wish you a joyful and graceful embodiment 🙂
Yours, Dylan 
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Dylan Newcomb

Founder & Director:

 UZAZU Embodiment

Want to Connect...?

Send Dylan Newcomb a direct email with any questions, comments, or ideas you may have!

dylan (dot) newcomb @ uzazu (dot) org

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