A Free 2-Hour Webinar with Dylan Newcomb & Deb Grant, LSCW

An Integrative Framework for Embodied Facilitation

Discover how this full-spectrum embodiment method can be integrated into YOUR coaching or therapy practice and empower you to facilitate change more deeply, ease-fully, and sustainably.

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In this FREE, Webinar Recording you'll learn about...

  • How you can use the UZAZU Embodied Intelligence to help your clients skillfully feel & process all their feelings more directly through the body—even the most intense ones.
  • How UZAZU gives you a complete 'toolset' of practices and protocols help your clients cultivate the specific, embodied states that empower them to meet their unique challenges & opportunities.
  • How you can effectively facilitate highly engaging embodied change-work with clients—even when they don't initially have much body awareness at all. (Hint: there's a stepwise process you can take them through that will help "get them into their body" so you can work with them there!)
  • A 20-minute Guided Experience in using UZAZU to differentiate, and then better integrate, Self and Other—so you can have an experience of the method yourself and see how it feels.
  • A 20-minute live 1-1 coaching demonstration—so you can see how the method works, in practice with a client, on a specific relational tension they have in the moment.
  • How the UZAZU Embodied Intelligence method provides you a comprehensive, embodied framework that brings key elements (such as polyvagal theory, attachment patterns, ego defenses, and core emotions) together in an intuitive, highly functional way—empowering you to facilitate deep and lasting change with your clients.
  • How the upcoming 10-Month UZAZU Embodied Intelligence Practitioner Training can take your capacity to facilitate embodied transformation to the next level—whether you're already skilled in  one or more body-based modalities, or do not yet directly involve the body in your work.
  • Q&A from webinar participants about the UZAZU Practitioner Training, that will help you if this training is a fit for you right now.
Dylan Newcomb

Your Host:

Dylan Newcomb


UZAZU Embodied Intelligence

Recognized as one of the world's leading researchers, coaches, and trainers in the growing field of Embodiment, Dylan Newcomb has taught thousands of students across four continents how to transform the root causes of their unhealthy stress and step into a more full, joyous engagement with life. Dylan is the lead researcher, trainer, and founder of the UZAZU Embodied Intelligence method.