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Give Your Feedback & Testimonial for the UZAZU Professional Foundations Training
Full Name
Your Feedback, and perhaps a Testimonial?
Briefly, what most attracted you about this training? Why did you sign up?
How well did this workshop fulfill your expectations?
Much better than I expected
Somewhat better than I expected
It fulfilled my expectations
Somewhat worse than I expected
Significantly worse than I expected
Are there any things you sense might have made this training a more effective learning experience for you?
On a scale of 1-5 (as a 5-Star rating scale) how likely would you be to recommend the UZAZU Foundations Professional Training to a friend or colleague, if they asked you about it?
Definitely Not
Probably Not
Not Sure
Would you be willing to write a review or testimonial that we can share publicly?
Yes, I'd be happy to help by sharing my experience.
Rather not, but I can share my positive experiences here privately.
What are 2-3 of the most valuable things—personally and/or professionally—you got out of this training, and why would you recommend it to others?
This could be as short at 2-3 sentences all the way up to 2-3 paragraphs. Medium-short is generally preferable.
Your Current Role(s) / Profession(s)
This is meant to be super short, just to give a quick indication, below your testimonial, of what you currently do in the world. (Examples: Life Coach, Author. or Psychotherapist, Counselor. or Parent, Visual Artist.)
For your testimonial, please upload a photo of yourself (a headshot) that we can show:
Having a photo of you next to your testimonial helps show people you're a real person, and helps them connect to your words. It's not REQUIRED, just highly preferable. 😉
Accepted file types: jpg, png, jpeg, Max. file size: 3 MB.
What were the most valuable things you feel you got out of the training and why were they valuable for you?
Next Steps in your Journey with UZAZU
What do you feel would most support you in continuing to learn, practice, and apply UZAZU, personally and/or professionally, at this time?
How interested are you in furthering your professional training in UZAZU by joining the upcoming UZAZU Practitioner Certification Training?
Not a fit for me
Maybe in a year or later
Not sure at all yet
Rather interested...
Seriously considering joining
Already will be Joining
Is there anything else you’d like to share or ask?
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.
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