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Give Your Feedback & Testimonial  for the UZAZU Group Coaching Program

  • Your Feedback...

  • As you know, this was my first training of this length focusing on the emotions, and much of the materials and practices are still 'growing into their mature form', I would say. Especially for this reason, I would REALLY love to receive some useful feedback from you!

    I've decided, for this round, to adopt the simple-yet-very-useful framework of Roses, Thorns, and Buds.

    Roses: The things that worked well for you, or you found to be helpful & beneficial.

    Thorns: The things you found to be less helpful or even counterproductive to the training, and your process.

    Buds: Ideas & suggestions about ways we could potentially improve this training in the future.

  • This could be specific ideas/concepts, certain aspects of UZAZU's specific approach to emotions, specific practices that worked well for you, ways I taught things or led experiences, pod-related experiences, etc.
  • Again, this could be about anything... And feel free to voice even 'mildly annoying' or less-than-optimal things.
  • I greatly welcome your ideas & suggestions about ways we could potentially improve this training in the future—things I could do more of, or add to the training process, or ways I could improve how certain things happen...
  • Would you be willing to give a Testimonial / Review?

    If you are comfortable with it, having a short personal testimonial we can share with others who are considering participating in this training in the future is one of the best ways to convey the value of it to them. It's a very helpful & effective way you can help 'share the love & goodness' of what you got out it. (And to help UZAZU continue to be able to do this work in the world!)
  • This could be as short at 2-3 sentences all the way up to 2-3 paragraphs. Medium-short is generally preferable. Also, it's helpful to hear about specific things or situations in your life that are now going better for you, as a result of the UZAZU you learned & practiced during this program.
  • This is meant to be super short. It can be helpful, as a way to give people a wee bit of context for your testimonial. (Examples: Life Coach, Author. or Psychotherapist, Counselor. or Parent, Visual Artist.)
  • Having a photo of you next to your testimonial shows people you're a real person, and helps them connect more to whatever you write. And it's not required, but just very helpful.
    Accepted file types: jpg, png, jpeg, Max. file size: 3 MB.
  • Next Steps in your Journey with UZAZU

  • This question is partly for you—to take a moment to reflect on how you'd like to keep working with & using UZAZU in your life—and partly for Dylan & UZAZU to gather helpful information about how we could best support you and others, once a program such as this one has completed. Thank you!
  • That it for now... Thank you so very much for taking the time to reflect back to us about your experiences! 🙏
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