A 9-Week Online Program for Deep Personal Growth:

Embodied Emotional Empowerment

Learn to safely experience the full spectrum of your emotions, and shift from fearing or avoiding them to skillfully & appreciatively using them as essential sources of energy and information that bring embodied wisdom & power into your daily life.

9 Weekly Online Training Sessions, Starting October 17th, 2022

Stress, Anxiety, Low Energy...? It's Mostly all Emotional

Especially challenging, stressful times such as these often trigger strong emotions that can easily imbalance, block, and wear us down. But with conscious, skillful embodiment, they can also be used as sources of great power, empathy, and wisdom. Each primary emotion has a specific message it's trying to tell us and a specific process or action it's trying to motivate us to do. And when we block that emotion, we block that essential energy, information and power from being able to help us.

discouraged and down affect - young woman

Do you relate to any of these?

  • "I have certain emotions I easily enter into. But also emotions I try to avoid, because they don't feel safe."
  • "I often spend time thinking about what to do and how to do it, and shy away from specific unpleasant or pleasant emotions."
  • "When facing some emotions, I go into maladaptive coping and defense behaviors."
  • "I feel overwhelmed when it comes to processing emotions, I feel either numb, avoiding or procrastinating."
  • "I feel guilty or unsafe to enjoy things or I find it difficult to rest and relax."

The 4 Core Affect States are the Embodied Foundation of Emotions

The 20 years of research & development that have gone into the UZAZU Embodied Intelligence method have identified 4 main types, or classes, of embodied states, that each of us needs safe & skilled access to, in order to function and thrive in the world. In this workshop for Helping Professionals, you'll learn how to rebalance each of these states.
UZAZU Map of the Four Core Affect States - Aug 27 2022

What you'll learn, in this Emotions-focused Training

This workshop will help you to become skilled at discerning how (in which states) you become imbalanced, dysregulated, or under-resourced. Then, you'll learn simple ways to shift your state, using your body posture, attention, and energy, to quickly bring yourself back into balance and continue to facilitate the session, but with more ease and responsive flow.

The 4 Core Types Of Embodied States, and How You can become Imbalanced

Learn about (cognitively AND experientially!) the four main types of embodied states—in their balanced and imbalance/dysregulated forms—and become more 'experientially clear' about the ways in which YOU tend to lose your coherent balance, and what you can do to quickly regain it.

How to hold clean energetic boundaries and take on less 'stuff' from Clients

Learn how you can train yourself to better differentiate your own inner-experience from that of your clients, and naturally experience less 'contagion'—without straining to protect or distance yourself.

Simple Techniques for Managing Your Own Attention & Energy in Sessions

Improve how you manage your own attention and nervous system regulation while interacting with your clients—so you can more ease-fully do your best work in each moment, better honor your own boundaries, and serve multiple clients per day without becoming nearly as tired or drained.

How to Confidently & Comfortably Charge what You Feel You're Worth

Discover how to shift into an embodied state in which you feel authentically comfortable & confident sharing what you charge for sessions, while still feeling connected and compassionate.

The 3 Phases of our Journey Together...

These 9 weeks take you on a journey of discovering your own emotional landscape,  ____

"I have an inspiring vision & mission I’m working towards, but I keep getting into funky, dysregulated states where I can’t stay effectively focused, motivated, or relaxed.”
"I find myself at a transition or key turning point in my life. I'm unclear right now about my purpose & direction and don’t know what to really focus my energy on."
"I'm experiencing more expanded, transpersonal states of being, but it's a real struggle for me to effectively integrate and embody these states into my daily life in a productive way."

Results Others have Experienced


“After this Emotions Training, I am holding my emotions in a container that I didn't really have before—that I didn't see and didn't feel. And that's really powerful. 

I always kind of thought emotions were just difficult things. I didn't really know why we had them. 

Now, I feel like they're my friend much more than before—that they're actually helping me orient better, rather than being just something I have to manage.”

Ayisha de Lanerolle

Reyna_Pomodoro-profile pic

This training has helped me tremendously. I have recognized many stuck emotions and patterns which I just couldn't see until now. Thanks to the caring, supportive, and respectful process during the training, I dared to feel, observe and shift stuff that I've never imagined was there. And that was very liberating!

I can see and feel now how my emotions connect with the energy that's wanting to move and what is truly wanting to happen. I go now into my own life and work with my own projects, or with client sessions, in a whole new way!

Reyna Pomodoro


“I learned to give value to the capacity to experience each emotion, even those that are not my natural place or a comfortable place for me. When an emotion is intense and it's very unpleasant, my natural instinct is to try to make it go away. But this Emotions Training gave me the ability to notice and recognize and verbalize to myself how I am, in the emotion.

The tools that Dylan gave us to grow our tolerance, to feel emotions that are not comfortable, it's really empowering. They gave me a real sense of safety and peace.”

Nivi Dean


“My biggest takeaway from this Emotions Training is the clarity, roadmap, and embodied experience Dylan brings to understanding, navigating and working with the emotional landscape. He has taken something that is very complex, complicated and heady, and created a framework that makes sense and shifts emotional language from the academic, and theoretical to what is accessible and relatable for all people, helping them to more robustly navigate in their day-to-day life and relationships.”

CarOline Conway

Here's what you get, when you join this training

  • 9 Live Online Training & Practice Sessions of 2 hours & 15 minutes each, giving you ample time to learn, practice, reflect and share with fellow participants, at each step of the way.
  • Recordings of each session in the course area, so you can review them again later (2 year access).
  • Embodied, emotions-focused homework practices and recommendations for daily life application, so you have a practical way to keep integrating the work we do during each session.
  • Access to the full version of both the Embodied Intelligence Self-Assessment, and the Emotion States Self-Assessment, so you can review your results and compare changes in multiple assessment results over time.
  • Learning & practice 4-person Pod Groups (organized by time-zone compatibility) which are encouraged to meet weekly for 75 minutes, and are given practice recommendations and a simple, flexible meeting structure.
  • A private online chat area where all participants can share & dialogue about their ongoing experiences.
  • Access to the 6-hr Personal Foundations of Embodied Intelligence online training, if you don't already have it, so you can learn & practice all the basic Postures & States of UZAZU, as a compliment our emotions-work.

Pricing Options


The Embodied Clarity Session

  • A Pre-session Questionnaire, to help optimize the value of our time together.
  • A 2-hour Embodied Clarity Session with Dylan Newcomb
  • A Post-Session summary form from Dylan, with Your Embodied Assessment Results and main insights & ideas for next steps



The Embodied Clarity Session, with a 33% Research Discount

  • Everything in the Embodied Clarity Session basic package
  • Get a 33% Research Discount on this Session by agreeing to make your (anonymized) assessment data, session notes, and a video of the session confidentially available to our core R&D team for further embodiment-research purposes.


Practitioner Package

The Embodied Clarity Session, plus 3 Coaching Sessions

  • Everything in the basic Embodied Clarity Session package.
  • Three follow-up 75-minute 1-1 Embodied Intelligence Coaching Sessions with Dylan. (You save $150 by reserving these 3 additional Private Sessions now, as opposed to after your Clarity Session.)


dylan newcomb

About Dylan

Dylan Newcomb is the founder, lead researcher, trainer of the UZAZU Embodied Intelligence method. Recognized as one of the world's leading researchers, coaches, and trainers in the growing field of Embodiment, Dylan has taught, over the past 20 years, thousands of students across four continents how to transform the root causes of their unhealthy stress and step into a more full, joyous engagement with life. 

Dylan trained at the Juilliard School in both dance performance and music composition, and was a multi-award-winning choreographer-composer in the Netherlands for over a decade, before co-founding the Danslab Institute for Movement Research in 2001. There, he conducted cross-cultural research for several years, exploring how vocal sounds, breath, and movement influenced thought, emotion, and behavior—across hundreds of subjects. This research formed the basis for what has evolved, over the past 18 years, into the comprehensive personal growth modality now known as UZAZU Embodied Intelligence.

Dylan currently lives in Freeport Maine, in the woods, with his partner Kyung-sun Baek and their 11-year old daughter Kiana.

About the UZAZU Embodied Intelligence approach to Emotions 

An integrative approach to working with embodied states of affect & emotion.

UZAZU Embodied Intelligence gives helping professionals a clear, research-based, integrative model & method for understanding how embodied states work: how to identify state imbalances and how to rapidly shift & re-pattern them, using a set of simple postures & movement patterns.

As a Helping Professional, UZAZU gives you a comprehensive, highly adaptable, embodiment-based methodology for effectively working with clients on almost any issueーin a way that easily integrates with and amplifies the potency of your existing skill sets.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is this emotions training for, and how do I know if it's a good fit for ME?

This 9-week interactive online training is for anyone who wants to really lean in to becoming more conscious of and skilled in working with their own emotions.

If you want to focus on deepening your capacity to SHOW UP in more fully empowered, connected, and emotionally integrated way in your personal and professional life, and you feel ready & motivated to engage with the ecology of your own conditioning around emotions—then this program could well be a great fit for you.

This training is NOT intended to training Helping Professionals in how to work with emotions with clients. It's meant for YOU, personally.

You do NOT need to have any prior training in UZAZU or any other 'embodiment-based modality.' You do NOT need to be skilled in moving or being aware of & feeling your body. The postures & movements we will use in UZAZU Embodied Intelligence are very simple, and I'll teach them to you as we go.

As long as you feel committed to doing your best to be truly authentic and vulnerable towards your own landscape of emotional experience—which I'll help you to more & more safely and fully experience—then we're good to go. :-)

What if I don't yet have any experience in UZAZU, could this still be useful to me?

This topic is something we typically only get into in this depth during our 9-Month Practitioner Training. Here, however, I'll be sharing the main ways we use UZAZU for ourselves as practitioners when working with others in a simple way that also people with no prior experience will be able to understand and make immediate use of. If you already know UZAZU, it will just make it that much easier to quickly & skillfully apply what is taught.

What if I work 1-1 with Clients, could this training help me to work with them on their Emotions?

Not really. This training is really for and about YOU, and your own personal deep-level re-patterning and growth. We're gonna 'get real' about where you are at, what your own edges are, and lean into how you can expand your own emotional intelligence and self-regulation skills. That said, the more authentic emotional intelligence, maturity and embodiment you possess, the more fully & compassionately you can show up and meet your clients, in their own full-spectrum of emotional experience.

What if I can't attend ALL the Monday Live Sessions?

YES, it's fine if you can’t always make it in-person, live online. I expect “life”—work appointments, vacations, etc— to possibly prevent you sometimes from being able to join. I definitely recommend being able to make it to at least 75% of the sessions live, if at all possible. I record ALL the sessions and make them available to you in a very user-friendly, private online course area for 2 full years after we finish, so you can go back to different parts & practices multiple times later (including all the handouts I share). This also includes 2-year access to a dedicated online UZAZU Group Coaching community space, where you can share and ask questions to other members.

The Practice Pod Group meetings will have a few different time-zone options, so you can pick the one that works best for your schedule. (We’ll determine those various options on the first week, once we know how many people we have in which time-zones.) I HIGHLY recommend you to commit to attending (most) all your Pod Meetings, as these have proven to be a KEY part of what makes this process most deeply transformational.

What if I’m interested in the 9-Mo Practitioner Training in 2023—does this cover the same content?

This Emotions-focused training will cover much of the some of the same material as our Practitioner Certification Training, but from a much more intimate ‘personal use’ perspective. Here, we’re not focusing on how to facilitate embodied emotions work with Others. We'l be focused how each aspect of the embodiment of and re-patterning of emotions relate to ourselves—in the past, present, and future of our own lived lives.

If you're interested in getting certified in UZAZU Embodied Intelligence, or you already are, then we highly recommend you ultimately do both trainings. Your own depth of emotional integration is KEY to your capacity for 'objective clarity' about clients, and to your breath & depth of compassion and transformational potency with each of them.

Also, if you join this Emotions-focused training, and are wanting to ALSO join the practitioner training, we’d like to support & encourage you in that by giving you an additional 10% discount on the Certification Training next year (which, together with the super early-bird discount, adds up to 35% off.) So email me if this is you, and I'll give you those sign-up details.)

What if I’m interested in the 9-Mo Practitioner Training in 2023—does this cover the same content?

This Emotions-focused training will cover much of the some of the same material as our Practitioner Certification Training, but from a much more intimate ‘personal use’ perspective. Here, we’re not focusing on how to facilitate embodied emotions work with Others. We'l be focused how each aspect of the embodiment of and re-patterning of emotions relate to ourselves—in the past, present, and future of our own lived lives.

If you're interested in getting certified in UZAZU Embodied Intelligence, or you already are, then we highly recommend you ultimately do both trainings. Your own depth of emotional integration is KEY to your capacity for 'objective clarity' about clients, and to your breath & depth of compassion and transformational potency with each of them.

Also, if you join this Emotions-focused training, and are wanting to ALSO join the practitioner training, we’d like to support & encourage you in that by giving you an additional 10% discount on the Certification Training next year (which, together with the super early-bird discount, adds up to 35% off.) So email me if this is you, and I'll give you those sign-up details.)

What if I’m interested in the 9-Mo Practitioner Training in 2023—does this cover the same content?

This Emotions-focused training will cover much of the some of the same material as our Practitioner Certification Training, but from a much more intimate ‘personal use’ perspective. Here, we’re not focusing on how to facilitate embodied emotions work with Others. We'l be focused how each aspect of the embodiment of and re-patterning of emotions relate to ourselves—in the past, present, and future of our own lived lives.

If you're interested in getting certified in UZAZU Embodied Intelligence, or you already are, then we highly recommend you ultimately do both trainings. Your own depth of emotional integration is KEY to your capacity for 'objective clarity' about clients, and to your breath & depth of compassion and transformational potency with each of them.

Also, if you join this Emotions-focused training, and are wanting to ALSO join the practitioner training, we’d like to support & encourage you in that by giving you an additional 10% discount on the Certification Training next year (which, together with the super early-bird discount, adds up to 35% off.) So email me if this is you, and I'll give you those sign-up details.)

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is this group coaching program for? How do I know if it's a good fit for ME?

This 4-month group coaching program is for anyone who wants to really lean in to using embodiment-based practices for their own personal growth & development over the coming period.

If you have the feeling that NOW is the time you want to focus on deepening your capacity to SHOW UP in more fully empowered, connected, and (co)creative way in your personal and professional life, then this group coaching program could be a great fit for you!

This program can also be a great fit for embodiment-based or other helping professionals (coaches, therapists, etc.). You can read more about this in the question-answer below this one.

You do NOT need to have any prior training in UZAZU or any other 'embodiment-based modality.' You do NOT need to be skilled in moving your body. The postures & movements we use in UZAZU are very simple, and I'll teach them as we go. This is the perfect place to start for anyone who wants to learn all the basics of UZAZU for their own use.

Also included in the group coaching program is immediate access to the replay recordings and PDFs of our 1-day UZAZU for Personal use Foundations Training. This gives you, in 6 hours of follow-along videos, a full basic training in UZAZU. We’ll review—and go significantly deeper into—ALL the basics of UZAZU, over the course of the first 2 months. But/and this 6-hour training is a great way to immerse yourself in ALL the fundamental postures and embodied states right from the beginning. People tend to find that each time they go through a training in and guided experience of the postures and their states that they discover more. So it’s great to have & do both versions.

Now, that said, the more prior experience you have in embodied approaches in general, and in UZAZU specifically, the more quickly and readily you’ll be able to apply what I’m offering and integrate it at a deep level. UZAZU is good at meeting people where they are at. So both beginning and advanced embodiment practitioners are welcome!

If am working professionally with clients, will this program help me to use UZAZU-based methods with them?

To be clear, this is not a training that helps you use UZAZU with others/clients—that's what our Professional Foundations Training & Practitioner Certification are for. That said, if you DO have professional training in UZAZU, or other related embodied client-focused methodologies, this program can definitely (indirectly) support you in more effectively working with your clients.

Firstly, it can help you identify and work on specific ways of being and interacting with others that are wanting more embodied attention, integration and growth—and this then empowers YOU to show up more effectively with your clients, and to 'model’ more for your clients the depth of embodied fullness & freedom you want for them.

Secondly, this program has ample space for you to bring in ANY issues or growth edges you want to work on—personal AND professional. So, for example, many helping professionals have challenges feeling comfortable and confident ‘getting their own work out there’... I LOVE working with people on the ‘inner game of marketing’. What comes up for you, for example, when you go to share your value—and offers & invitations—with others? SO much healthy, next-stage ego development can happen when we lean into the personal growth side of our own marketing-focused resistance & edges!

Or maybe it’s more for you about feeling drained from seeing so many clients, and the ‘compassion fatigue’ that can so easily build up... UZAZU can be a very precise and effective tool to help cope with and even overcome this. And I’ll be delighted to support people with this challenge as well.

Lastly, having the opportunity to see how I help different people use UZAZU to work with a very broad range of issues, and how I adapt my approach, style, and methods, depending on the person & topic, can potentially inspire and open new doors for you in your own work—UZAZU-based or otherwise.

I'm not so sure about doing embodiment-based practices ONLINE... Is it as effective as in person?

We consistently get feedback on how surprisingly engaging and transformational it is for people, in this online format. I've been teaching UZAZU primarily online for over 9 years now, and am very satisfied with how it works in this 'virtual' setting. My team and I have worked (and keep working) hard to optimize the effectiveness of our online teaching methodologies.

As an added benefit to doing UZAZU embodiment training online—particularly given how inherently relational UZAZU is as a method—you are simultaneously teaching your body-mind-awareness system how to better energetically manage itself in online interactions. This helps make ALL your online meetings (including any online client sessions, if you do them) feel more connected and less draining. We will specifically address & practice how to use UZAZU to improve your online interaction experience during our time together.

I also provide a full discount if, within the first month of the group coaching program, you feel it's still not working for you. (See the last question for more details on this.)

What if I can't make it to all of the live, online sessions? Is that OK? And will there be replays available?

YES, it's fine if you can’t always make it. I expect “life”—work appointments, vacations, etc— to possibly prevent you sometimes from being able to join. I definitely recommend being able to make it to at least 75% of the sessions live, if at all possible. I record ALL the sessions and make them available to you in a very user-friendly, private online course area for 2 full years after we finish, so you can go back to different parts & practices multiple times later (including all the handouts I share). This also includes 2-year access to a dedicated online UZAZU Group Coaching community space, where you can share and ask questions to other members. The small Practice Pod  meetings will have a few different time-zone options, so you can pick the one that works best for your schedule. (We’ll determine those various options on the first week, once we know how many people we have in which time-zones.)

If I’m interested in joining the Practitioner Certification Training in 2023, does this cover any of the same content?

Yes, partly this Emotions-focused training will cover some of the same material as our Practitioner Certification Training, but from a ‘personal use’ perspective. Here, we’re not focusing on how to facilitate embodied work with Others. However, in our 4 months together, you will go much more in-depth into our own embodiment and daily-life use of the core Modes & Posture of UZAZU than in the Personal and/or Professional Foundations Training.

We will have ample time together to explore many facets of how to embody and work with each of the 9 core states and their postures AND on how to take simple and even complex ‘issues’ or tensions in your life and work effectively on them using UZAZU. We’ll also be working personally a good amount with Emotions. In that process, I’ll definitely be sharing and leading people through some of the more advanced, in-depth ways to use UZAZU work on resolving unprocessed ‘inner stuff’ and cultivating a greater capacity to bring a more full & balanced range of states into those situations, or areas of your life, that most matter to you. You will also get to see & experience HOW I help various people in this process, which, if you’re a facilitator yourself, can be very informative.

This personal-development-focused journey with UZAZU can also be a great thing to do before joining the longer Certification Training, as a way of gaining deeper skill navigating your OWN patterns of embodiment before the more client-focus of the Cert. Taining.

Also, if you join this Emotions-focused training, we’ll give you an additional 10% discount on the Certification next year. Which, together with the super early-bird discount, adds up to 35%.

What if I’m concerned about privacy, and ‘working on my issues’ in a group, online setting?

All group coaching sessions & recordings, including and especially all personal content shared in them from participants, will be held in strict confidence. The UZAZU teaching and guided workshop weeks (every other week) may be shared with future group coaching cohorts. The alternating weeks, where we primarily focus on individual current ‘issues’ or tensions in focused 1-1’s with me/Dylan will not be shared beyond this group. 

All participants will be asked to sign a privacy & confidentiality agreement before we begin. The video recordings and the private content & sharing areas of the UZAZU website are always maintained with 2-layers of heavy-duty password protected firewalls, to prevent any malicious hacking attempts. 

We also have clear guidelines, that we’ll make explicit at the beginning, how members are expected to interact with each other, to help ensure a safe and respectful environment for us to share and work together in. It’s important everyone feels safe to be honest and vulnerable, during this process. Our embodied, interactive exercises typically help a lot as well, right from the beginning, to help build trust with and respectful empathy for each other.

How is this Group Coaching program different than doing some 1-1 coaching with Dylan?

It’s different from my private coaching in many ways, and similar in a few others ;-). Both ways, you get a LOT of direct access to me, and have my ongoing feedback & input on how you can effectively handle specific challenges in your life.

My private coaching program is either six or twelve 75-minute sessions, either weekly or bi-weekly. Because of the group coaching format, I can afford to give MORE of my time for less cost to you. So in this group coaching program, you get 4 months of continual practice, input, feedback, and 1-1 mini-sessions of 15-30 minutes every 2-3 weeks or so, if you desire them. Plus the supported Pod group work and community support.

If you want to do really focused work on some deeper issues, where for example some patterns where early childhood trauma may be implicated, or deeper multi-generational patterns are significantly at play, etc, then these are often best suited for the longer, more private format of my private sessions.

But/and, I consistently find that to work on the deeper patterns and healing, it is typically easier & more effective to accomplish this when the person has already learned and developed some good skill with several of the core states we use in UZAZU (Sponge, Cradle, Pillar, and Bridge mostly—for those already ‘savvy’ in basic UZAZU...). Having the core states as deeply integrated resources, then makes doing deeper work much more smooth, gentle, efficient, and effective, I find.

That’s why I’m also offering all Group Coaching members the option to add on 1, 3, 6 or 12 sessions at a 20% discount at any time during the 4 months. Adding just 1 or 3 private sessions, when you feel you truly need to dive deeper with something, can be a very effective combination.

What if the timing of this 4-month program is not optimal for me? Will there be another one later?

“Probably”, is my currently best answer.

This is the second Group Coaching Program I’ve offered in about 7 years. Since that time, I have been waiting for what felt like the right time for me to feel confident I could offer it in a way that would be truly effective & transformational for up to 20 people. This relaunch of UZAZU in a group-coaching format is hopefully part of several/many more to come. The exact format, and price, may very well change—especially during the first 1-3 rounds of it—as I experiment, get feedback, and continue to grow and evolve it.

No dates are set yet for a possible third round. If you would very likely be interested in joining, if a new one starts in the fall of 2022, then please do email me directly and let me know. It will greatly help me in deciding if/when to do a next round of this program!

What if I start, and then decide it’s not a great for for me? Can I get a refund?

I really don’t want you to have to regret spending money on this! That’s why I’d much prefer to give you a full refund if, within the first 30 days, you’ve attended at least two of the first four sessions (live or in replay), and are still feeling it's maybe not a good fit for you or what you're needing right now. To get your refund, simply send an email to support@uzazu.org and we'll refund your entire payment, no questions asked.

Are you interested in joining, but still have questions if it's a fit for you right now? Then book a 15-minute consult with Dylan to discuss what might best serve you.

We close enrollment on Friday, January. 15th, so book your consult well-enough in advance.