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Great—Your Breakthrough Session with Dylan is all Scheduled!

Complete Your Pre-Session Questionnaire

Benedikt MacIssaac
Ben MacIssac Musician

More drive and passion...

It's changing how I energetically interact with everything around me. I have more drive. I have more passion. I feel I can be more authentic, and sharing my truth is one of the most gratifying things I have now.

Luna Marendi UZAZU Feb 2014 Square
Luna Marendi

I have become more focused...

I have become more focused, discerning, and purposeful. I am able to process emotional waves much more deeply and swiftly.

Shirly Weiss Head 2
Shirley Weiss MA, HHC, WeissHolistic

How simply I can choose step back into my power!

For me, personally, I became aware of areas where I was withholding parts of myself. By observing my body, moving through these movements with Dylan's guidance, I was able to see how simply I can choose to step back into my power!

Richard Gordon Portrait Web
Richard Gordon Founder/Author: Quantum Touch

A powerful system of combining sound, movement, and energy

Dylan Newcomb has developed a truly fascinating, original and powerful system of combining sound, movement, and energy. Like any great discovery, the full uses and benefits of this system will continue to enrich and surprise us for decades.

Toineke Theeuwes
Toinneke Theeuwes Managing Healthcare Consultant

More release, joy and self-acceptance!

As a result of my sessions, I feel more release, joy and feel I can accept myself more deeply and grow. I am so grateful for how Dylan has helped me become aware of my body, as an instrument that never lies. He has taught me how to listen to it and to use it!

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