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Welcome to the Webinar Replay of:

How to Cultivate Your Embodied Intelligence

>> Part 1 of 2 <<

with embodiment trainer & coach Dylan Newcomb

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(Scroll down to get the Handout PDF Download...)


0.00.00  Welcome, Introduction, Overview of the Webinar

0.06.20  What is EMBODIED Intelligence and Why is it so important?

0.18.28  What IS "Intelligence" from a more Transpersonal perspective, and why is this notion so helpful?

0.24.45  Sharing of the foundational framework of Embodied Intelligence (on the whiteboard)

0.59.30  Key point about noticing WHERE Awareness is allowed to be present (or not) within the Bodymind.

1.01.50  Question & Answer: "How can we notice where there's a LACK of awareness in the bodymind?"

1.14.00  Experiential Exercise: Exploring the Self-Other polarity with embodied awareness.

1.22.00  Shared Reflections on doing the exercise; The Balance & Synergy of Mind and Body

1.25.00  Review of the framework, focusing on the imbalanced states and how they affect our interactions.

1.28.00  Next Steps: the upcoming free Self-Assessment, and follow-up webinar on HOW to work with your imbalances.

1.31.20  Final Round of questions...

1.47.20  End

Download and print out this Handout of the Balanced and Imbalanced Intrapersonal & Interpersonal States that determine the quality of your Embodied Intelligence in any given moment.

Physical Posture Dim Sag Pos Body Only 2160x2160 1024x1024
Imbalanced Dysregulated States In The Flow Of Interpersonal Dynamics

Click Below and get immediate access to the map:

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